Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 181, 28 April 1891 — RING IN THE CHANGSE. [ARTICLE]

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Editor Ka Leo:—The first of May approaches. and there is a: feeling of tension in the commu-| nity to see if the government will | at last keep faith with the people, i and discard tbose few obnoxious! individuals, who have been soj lone, the bete noire of a large majjoritv of the people, It is exceediagly straßge that a former Cabinet failed and the present one hesitated so niueh to meet such simple and moderate wishes of the ,predojiiiinant political party. It is strange. because the dismissal of a certain few ineompe--tent. unworthy and unpopular office holders, was one of the str@ng party planks in the platform of the partv that went to the polls at the la6t elections, and sen tain aj ority W the ījegislature, where tbis principle was reiterated. The National Party were not Bpoilsinen, and therefore did not ask, —as another party would certainly have done—for a elean sweep*throughout the service, but simply the removal of those they had marked aa praetically unfit for office. No demand more just or reasouable eoukL be made, and the preSsnt cabinet may win popularity andapproval by conceding to the wishes of the ' people, j whose servauts they are. The people eio not want to interfere and disturb ihe government, but it is feared th*t if something is not sooa elone, thq pent up feeling 6f the party will fißd expressi©n in some way, and the Cabinet f will lose the confidence of the large body of the National Party. who the. next time wili not be so easily satigfied. The Queen is well known to favor the wishes of tbe Peeple, who are represented by the Nationals. Then why the Cabinet hetiitate ? Is it that there is a more potent inlluenee to work upon the Cabiiiet than that of the majority of the People ? Or upen the Queen? If there iB, it is to be hoped that the Leo will ferret it out and bold it forth to public censure. In the meanUaae, we look to the actual Cabinet for r",tion; the People &nd the "Voice" of the People will be with them. jSaiiunal.