Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 181, 28 ʻApelila 1891 — The Only Sarah. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Only Sarah.

Sarah Bernhardt is one of the figures of European s«ciejty, whose name and fame bdth as actress aod as an allround geniuB ia nniversal. She with her own trained company of 30 performers—all the original cast excepting two, Cap«ul and Garni«r, She takes no riekB bat receives a lump sum fer her two years tour in the States, Australia, Mexico and Cuba. ' Then she returns to Eurcpe, and without performing, embarks at Liv©rpool for South America. Her wardrobe comprises 45 large trunki valu«d at $60,000. The present is the only opportunity likely lo occur of Bernhardt passing through Hon«iulu. Her stay, i n the states waa intended to be • %• tweive i»ontbs instead of three, but thq Australians are clamorous. The fifst night in Sydney or Melbourn« will conamand $5 for standing room in the gallery~--if the tickets get into the hands ofspecu> lators. Bernhardts character of Camille is accepted as a leading event on the European stage.