Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 181, 28 April 1891 — The Organ Recital. [ARTICLE]
The Organ Recital.
The «rgas recital bj Professor Bissel at the Kaumakapili church on Friday evening was a rare treat t« lovers of classical music. The eight peices selected were of an advanced 6rder, and pr«vided an agreeable variety. The manipulation and pedal exeeution was excellent both in point of time and exDresston, but at times the volume of g*und-especial-ly in the Preiude and F ug@ in G. uiinor—slightly obscured the melothe touch also was a littie ferte. The peiee of the evening was * 4 ln absence" by Buck, the au> dience applaudeding for an encore, whieh however was not responded io. The voices of the Kamehameha Glee Club were exceptionally weli blended and proved careful training. We hope to hear Mr. Bissel often on that organ, and we woold be glad to find weekly concerts of the aame character become an so institution and with «o many able organists among us it w«uld be prbductlve of variety and contribute -to elevate and refine the wh«le community.