Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 180, 27 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the Bulietin khow onlv two kinds of Hawaiian Vatriote.- ' • One clags beheyee in annexation fco the United States; the other wiphee to fctart an independei»t repul»lic." To whieh dlass does the "paUnoi" editor of the Balletin he long?j Annexation, eh? That however ••broad" the National Party may be,it will very soon be cut up into cats' meat if a few more monkeyish editorials are written in its favor by the Feline editor. That we iiave sueceeded in re Lhe feline enei' ies of the Bulletin by pouing up theassLnine r>ropensitiegof its nurses That ior want of more space we are ! obliged to concentrate our ideas and not [ fill up with eheap ads for waut of orīginal matter as is the case with our s 'leading" contemporary.. • That Saperintendent Mflclcintosh is doing good honest work for the(jovernmeni, and is ioapartial to those employed in his burea«. These traits of chai*acter combined are rare, and, accordingto the Bulletin l s estirQate of national character i all the morej conspicuons in the above gentleman, whoJe of t£iat class clispic-ed j by the editor of that paper. ; - ' \.: ' i That the reason why AVilhe Bheld£>n I was gof out of Kahului. was, like Capt. j Tripp, he refused to take bribe, and be-1 cause he declined to enlist iu Ali Eaber'g ] battallion. | Tliat after seventy years experience of a higher teaching in new morals the Hawaiian has found out that syphilis, rum, tobacco, and last, though not least, opium, are the concommitants of the aew life as now taught, That the ooium business appear to be in the hands of Reformers, from the late developments. That on the boarding of the sealihg vacht, that started from San Francisco via Honolulu for the North Pole, by the customs ofhcers last week, one of the three captaina whieh formed the crew -m i reply to enquiries said, that the apparaatus for sealing w was w»shed over I board." the available merchandtse she had on board when she got into Mahukona was one bag of flour. It is said that when ehe comes oif the Marine Railway she will be registered as a Ha-1 waiian. I That the Alhino stirp of the Keawe-1 mauhili i ulers of Hilo, were enabled j to gather $200 as a fund to defray the! expenses of Her visif to Hilo, i They think the Hilo People do not care! mueh for the-4lu. ! That two huudred and eighty tins of i opinm wee arr6sted last Baturday as it was being hawked for sale by an ex- i official late from the gubernatorial dis- i trict of Mau t . Borry, very sorry; no i good ean ever result from that line of bnsineBs. Thie ia a good leeson to our citizens. That to Horace Grabbe, jr., of thel Poliee Force, and two other with him, | is due the seizure of two hundred and ! eighty tins of opium. That the Hawaiiam people are getting more outspoken against the Qaeen for not allowing more natives to be on the Boardof HealHi, and for keeping Me<sers Carter and two re-1 formers on the Board. Thatthe BissePfi orgao recital was very good, but in the performance on the organ, the action on the keys ahould; be light and airy inatead of a thump. ... i - ■ That ex-Prtmier Omimime is road inaking at Kapiolani Pftrk. The thaaks of the oommunity are due to Marshal Wllson for showing neither fear nor favor in the suppres6ion of the opium deluge inaugurated by tlie Refor-i malion regime. That the planters begin to realize the faet that the onlv way left for them toi make up for their loe?ee in the tariff bus-i ineKB is to find eubsidiary markete for their sugars, and tbat to that effect, theyi iutend to urge tbe Government to eonclude a treaty with Can&da.

- - h. 1 ' , nk"" 1 . . That a rev<dution was started on board the retuming train of plekniek escursionists to Beymond Grove. The dead and wounded J were used up as fuel f#r the bsiler. | That-the liepers at Molokai has told Wm. Tell, that| if he carries out any more high hanlded orders from the Board of Healthj, he wlll flnd his last resting plaee among them. That in order to pr»vent Dr. Lutz from being appopted to the Leper Hospital at Kalihi, i the white members of the Board are tutormg the Hawaiian members to aboltsh the Kaliin Honpiial, the okl ladv at | the liead bohig O. K. with them. | That accordinjg t» the Bu!Jetin cats the present administration may "actuaily refuse to correct the blunders co;»mited by their predfcessor." Oh. L..>rd deliver us from ouij friends! I That a Jonstcinian scribbler īf broadly ,< of jonnalif?m," |m order to readi the !ship, whieh has heen to him such a bit-l'iei-"'polilEiieal disappointment." ! That public ifliariti.es wil.l increaBe more and more until after thfe eIo(;tion, i it is a stalkmg horse for political elee,itions. ■■-. ■ ■ • ■ i 1 That the gathering of HaM'aiians i around the Board of Health CMfice. to ! obtain permits for the Leper >Settleroent, was quite-iirge.| : . v; : ; ■' •v 'ii-. j He was 'laying low,' armed with a ! 'bigstick for a !masher who had "ini sulted his wifej" Suddenly he was 1; seized by throat tihe by another man, also armed with a stick. ,4 8coundrel !" hissed the second man. Then they both laid into other manfully, <got tangled, sprawled into the gutter, went, [ adrift, and gat hered themselves up to catch "second wind." A light through the leaves from a distance aroused botb to pause. What's the meaning of this vou scoundrel ? gasped np. 1. "O loT!" gasped the second 4< Mr. D , er, I'm awfully sorry, I mistook you for the blackgaard X whem I expected to be round this way. He insul!fid m/ sister aod I'm going for him," <c Why that's the villain l'm waitin(; for." "He'B been un~ sulting my wife 4 '' Then they shook hands and combined their amhneh. but X did not turn up.