Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 180, 27 ʻApelila 1891 — Sissy Scissors. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Sissy Scissors.

Late on -Friday we were honored) by a visit from our fair contributor, who, under the name of 4 'Sissy Scissors," is engaged jto write for our columns a series of weekly papers, the first of whieh was the cha;rming Letter fiom Somewhere." whieh occupied two eolumna in our last issue. The lady read the editorial in the Bulletin just issued and was trying to suppress her ēxuberant mirth. '"So you see Mr. B." said she, pausing every now ahd then to titter out fier pretty litt!e warble of a laugh, '* S« you see the / Lely , s.ex-funny man is mad; serve him right, be we»t back on me because I.am not a Hawaiian, now lie spits fire and calls me lneh. Oh, how diflfereiit it might have beēn," * * * Here she laughed again, and with a serio-comic twinkle in her blue eye continued; " evēn if I ain Irish, Mr. it cannot be retnedied now." We observed, that to be born Irish was doubtless a misfortune, and as a mistake it was apparently her first offehce, and would probably not be repeated. " I will n©w tell everybody how the falling out took piaee," continued Sissy, "after helping the Texas steer to run the last campaign, I sent in uiy modest little bill. He feiled to respbnd, and said he thought I ioved him. I said: Tēx, you're a fraud ; you andl are pau. This is why I ain writing <br Ka Leo. My big brother, Jack will walk on the 'Lely's "ex-funny maw'B hide when he comes from 'Prisco. Then let him 16ok out for Bqualls was probably one of Jack feherjnan's nautical expressions, after discharging whieh Sissy" shook her eanvass and in a final convulsion about k, that Texan ,k steerrd for her cabv ♦ A * " ■ That all women are good—they are ior sometliing or nothing—their iires<* fceiKTally shows wliieh it ig. That llie for unrighteoup niammeu ie &> strong in the present tvnturv, tliat men will all—family, cha,rartvr, everylhing.