Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 180, 27 April 1891 — What is this that Haunts the Mind? [ARTICLE]
What is this that Haunts the Mind?
Whftt is this whieh haunts the minel ? B]ighting men of wealth and etation, Tferrorieit>g every nation,. , ■ Lavirii? bare Vfalse foundation, Like a niighty rushing wind! What is thiKof whieh we read ? Millionaireg and princeiy robbers, l)ukes and lonle and half-br£d nobbers Backed by monev-lending jobben j ; All their aim ie lust and greed. What is this distre!?sing ory ? All this of hopelesfi pleading, H«arts of men aad women bleeding \Vliile we pafcg them bv unheeding ; I We- Hhairfeel it bv and bv. i Whō will lend a helding hand ! j Lot us all by thought and aetion I Lav aside a.ll feud and faction 3 | Help our new reforming band. 1 Vtxc"K.\T H. Ho'ii ky. London.