Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 179, 24 April 1891 — OUR CONTRIBUTORS. [ARTICLE]

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We have mueh p3easure in in-, furrping our readers that irt ! suance l of our intention 'to make our paper a itw. readable and attractive sheet, we have made arrangements with a lady, who under the nom de plnme of "Sissy Scissorß," is well and favorably I known to Honolnlu yeaders, and who will heneeforth be 011 our contributing staff. Letter From Soiiiew3iere.

Dear Ka Leo: ] Affcer almost a year's wantlenng! in the hurlyburly of the outsidfc world of wires and eables atul the omniprfcsent intervicwer, and the omnivorouß reporter,and the general I smash of business exciteinent| whieh keeps ones br;iin in a per-1 petual whirl. I feel tired of it all. and. therefore have I siglied again for the land of the lotuseuter, and the taro-patch fiddle, and the child of tho s\veet mahope phiioBophy, and the cooling zephyrs from the shade of Mouut Tantalus. I eoukl not induce Papa and Jnck tn leavc 'Frisco just yet, so I perKuadcd Ma to eome on at the last itiohicnt, leaving Jack and Papa. who-is watching sotue goings on at the San Francisco Stock Exchange, to

arrive later. - I believe Papa is anxious to gct at the mysteries of ihe new sugar deal, about whieh there is mueh whispering. just now>en Kearney ,Street,'and he proraised to maii me i his siftings of the sbady looking racket as he eall it, "for Sissy" said Papa; "I fear it bodes no good to the islar>ds, as the sudden eonvulßion- in the sugar market hero is largely attributed to it." But after a*n age of separation I should have something less ponderous than sugar stocks with whieh to re-introduce myself to my sister readers.

Ah me, what changes in the few sl ort monlhw of my absence. How flfceting is life, evcn that of Cabinets, especially when built on the skew-whi(f p!an out of green lumber with the brown end «P-

I have eame to the conclusion that the only abiding universal circumstance recognized as permanent is, Fashion.

Go where vou will, in Pall Mall; I the Bois de Bologne, Broadway | New York, or Collins St. Melhoume, j its devotees are on t:p-toe Even staid old Oiiver Goldemith in hisi day wrote: ! a Aride : eu while fashions brightest arts de3ov, The heart, distruBting, asks if this be joy. ,? Of courBe it was jov, what is life without this "decoy" of a pretty girl dr|essed in "fashions brightest One w«nders whether poor OHverrS landlady , wooed him in anything more attractive than the coffee-color gown and noke bonnet of the t>eriod, as she stood at his roona |door giving him 'Hobsons ehoiee' to marry her {> at onee" or take the alt«rnative ofthe fleet prison as a rent defaulter. Dear old (Toldsmith, sweetf st of our ,laet ai;e poets ! it was a pleasure in "ali the silent r.ianliness of greif/' to make a pilgrimage to his tomb at K# i nsel green during mv London visit. I cannot tell vi>ii in a breath my dear sisters, of the pretty sights and marvels whieh I have seen ih mv six months travel over

Eūrop«? throngh Egypt, to Ausira- : lianml back io dear uld MiwhaiI tan. I shall\have to try to f:pread ! —or rath«r pondensē—it is a seriea of weekly j letterB in Ka Leo In Paris I|saw the great Sarah Bcrnhardt as; Cleopatra. and it I was no won4<?r AuthonyV brain : was set on a whirl, ifthe original Cleopatra wab an3 r thing like her French representative. You ean 1 have no idea jof the pretty and j catchir.g costdmes, whieh do notj over eōneeal the natural and > and pose cf Sarah, and . whieh has I for months cai|ised a furore at the I I great Theatre Frnneais. j

It was rumored in London ths.t! *slrs. Langtry j was likely t» | as a rival Cloo}patra, but .-th«j k "jer- i s?y L;Sy" lacks the rim nec-psary | for the charact!er. It wou!d 4 Uro-1 bably b.e a r lueh easier tnck to j cmiquer a Hve Prince ot" inH the green room, than to l.oss an ! /Antonj;;. in |)uckram beforc the | foot lights.. Talking of theatery i ■rerniiids me of| tho cvent of iheainateur. opera- in San Franciseo, the productjion of Givotle-Givofia iwhieh was toj take plaee at the! i grand Opora liou&e on the evening !of Tuesdav the 7 inf?t. As our j Zealandia was|to saii on the morniing ef Tuesday, I manap;ed t rthrough iuy press connection] to !getin to see the dress rebearsal f on the Moiji(lay evening and ,the staging antji dresses w r ere real pretty and effective. Mrs. Mary ; Williapiē as (ierofle—the- leading i!soprano-—has £ everal dresses whieh she changes as a necessary part jjof the business in mystifying the iover, who is tnereby unable to iiell t'other troin whieh. Tfae first jdress was a loyely crean»-bri)caded satin enbroideiied down the front

with rieh next, a pink and blue India ailk, and the third a whit« brocaded silk trimmed >vith valenciennes laee. The reninining four principle Jady characters were ieffectivel"y draped in rich materiel; whiie the six leading male eha!racters were dressed perfectly in artistic requiroments to Oriental life; among whom George Hal-1 was conspicuous as Mourzouk with Mrs William Crockers $8,000 north of diamcnds in his turban. i Referring to tnusic. On an Alameda concert programme recently. a song by Tosti was erroniously billed as by "Tolstoi." īt eame low on the card too, but every woman in the audience f they had all read the u Kreutzer SoQata"] was iirm in ber chāir till that was disposed of. And when it eame it was the good old ' k Fur ever find jbr ever," such !is life.

The very lat«st gift from iho engagcd girl to her lover is a pair of embroidered braces with their combined monograius worked in her hair. By-the-by, K«ld-wasbed girls aro warued to leave these ofiferings strictly alone; as the gift eomee off the hair even m the working. and if Adolphus is eonfronted with a wishy waehy 1110nogram in mouse-coior. instead of Uwny gold % he would suspect aureline and fly to return no more. i You r«memb»r dear ?irls, Jack Sherman of the only tfipsic. Well Jack was the b<».st chaperon I ever had and he exp«?cts t<> change to the Charlston and be here again soon. Jack \tas among our frequent visitors i r> 'Pnaeo and would I*roeroff" some live]y yarns and ix>etry on Hone lulu belies, J sliall tell vou more next week. SISSY SciSSORS.