Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 178, 23 ʻApelila 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
We have at various times insinuated thet the Royal Family of Hilo is 9ufffering from ehmnie isoral obliquity. We consider that our course has b©en fnlly justified by the publication in this inorning's Advertiser of an extract frotn the liilo Famiiy Record. , The public will see that anyone eapahle ofs«ch a "pome" would not stiek at murder. Leng Meter. The next day on the black sea beach The Sberiff Btood aghast At ttre bungling work the Aliee made Trying to tow those masts. Suoh waethe wreckof the Whetmore In the afternoon in the rain; To save what he could the Sheriff tried And his labor wae not all in vain. Now we leave it to a candid publie to decide lf there is not along eareer of unchecked crime behind such a production.
That a certain ex oSicial was entrusted wifch a sam of thirteen hundr«d. and some odd dollars by a leper. to be deposited in the Postal Savings Bank only two month ago. That the ex-official is a likely candidate for a prolonged resident at Gaptain Mehrtens Hotel, for worse than burglary.
That the i*nocent pufelio are being r«bbed by ligbt weight and old spring hallanee scalee that are all on #ne side—See to it Mr. Marshal.
That our līmele Samuel is waking up to a realization of the fact that he has no coaling stations for his big and growing flpet.
Tbat we shall be glad to our wealthy and gen«r»us 'Onkul' $Stabliahed at Penrl Harbqr } but enly on equitable terms _te be approved by the next Lēgisj[ature.
That no Insurance Office should take $ risk «n th« match boxes called iBtoreB, on Nwuanu St.
Thut the Premier laeke raoral coumge to assert &is supremacy in the G.tbin«t and weakene dowa every time the Minister«f Pinanee and his Dfeputy look at hna.
That four 4 politicians went out" driving last Monday in a very flasby and aristocratic tum ©ut, bui when they wene shipped back
to town m a Imēk tbe flush '*fraā ; |all out of ?ī th«ia; . j. j That ifc was n meelang with our 2| Premiers whieh shipwrecked the poHtieai creW ānd dumped them in the dust ;in front -j>f the MarshaFs hous^p. •That has'a republican idea in hts eye. - - That the position of officiais and favorltes, has thrown all order aiid precedents into disorder. 1 That the pfeople of Maui are clamoring. for a ilepuhlie, and thnt eaeh island be State rights. How is that f)3r popular govern■tnent? ■: ■ i -
That only ox\e Hawaiian brv>iigl:t a bontribution to the ru]iug oflic ; .al family in Hilo| for th*; liookupu to the Queen. Ti|is is hawful pHtriotism, for the usually demonstrative and childlike Hawaiiaii. We wonder what hos ct>me over the swect spirit of their dMu&ions ?
That Mr; MfcGuire of McGuir«* Express Co M on the list as Port Surveyor ef Kahului, snd as a Consequenee Miui is up in arms; and the Premiep* swears that Billy must be info?med %rst and his consent obtained, otherwise . the little major wiil kiek, and, then, oh ! then ! | That Hon. tjhe Marquis of īao, says that he will have to forgo his trip to Paris and the Holy Land, on account of McKinley's unseemly and! inexplieable eonduct to the | sugar planters of Owhyhee.. Sorry, lao. i That the were gulled to hasten there sugars forward tr» market, and.had to pay towards the last as hiaeh as $10 per ton, put the agen|s "over there" deeline to pay the k 'rise" before the r { fair' in prices; and the eolonel has the iaugh over them all. Moral: Thus| it is that all īllgotten profits| froai under paid labor, will dwir(dle and pass away, £tnd thus it wilj ever Ke.
i That the judge } with the book i under his armd is bound for darkest America, probably to start a model farm on his own plan for Balvation Army purf>eses. ! That an accident, whieh might have Yesulted eerioosly Ho the future prosperity of the country happened day befo re yesterday to fou r embryo minist< rs, who were perambulating in a two-wheel vehicle, under full head ofsteam. and going at the rate of 2:40. The horse, in - g«ing by the eoaeh Containing their Excellencies the two Premiers of our present Cabinet, shied in astr>nishment and broke the &haft of the donkey cart whieh h«id the quai*tette of futur* B)inisters. No othēr damage was d^» # except a Httle 3ofty tumbling hpwev«r, a little bit swearing, and a j«lly good laugh,— ]byjote t : ;