Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 178, 23 April 1891 — The Liquor Traffic. [ARTICLE]

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The Liquor Traffic.

Editor Bulletin:—" Makua's " letter in the P. C. A., of 18th inst„ i8 a curiosity in a small way. Bewaiiing ag it does, the increase in the consuraption of aleohol, the writer says : The temperance sentiment of this community is not as eamest aod ae active ,as it should be," * * * u «ne reason," etc. Why has "Makua" b*m blind so long ae to require the potent salveof the "genial M irrepressible Jones to act as ftphthalmic physic to clear his mental and moral vision ? Why did not the outrageJ tlMakaa" grasp his pen when E. O. Hall & Bon were exporting some thousands of gallons of u fire-wa-ter " to the Arct ie Oeean m lieu of Bible and Christian literature ? We ean only presume that E. O. Hall <fe Son belong to the charnaed circle, of 41 Makua " no doubt is a prominent meniber, and that the latter havin; "the true instinct" necessary in <4 missionary endeayor"

though& that m the formers c»»e~ "siloace was goldea." Out, with such damnable risj and incoDsistency. Makuaiiokowai. - The above was haoded to «s for publication, it having been refused by the weak-kneed and timorous editor to whom it was addressed. Being ourselvea freemen and in a free cr»untry, uncoDtrol!ed by no monopolist, we admire the c©urage of the auther" in pointing out the hypocrisy whieh largelv perrneates the raotives of the professing Christian teacher in our midst. It is unpleassnt, no doubt, for some to iiear theunvarnished truth set forth in glowing letters, like that on the wall of a palaee, wartiing the impenitentand niammen worshipper of itnpending doom. Still» it is done to y|urn and to save them that teach blisdiy frotn preaching future condemnation to those who preach such mockeries of the truth.