Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 177, 22 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
: That the Leō ought to he thankful for the prominent plaee given to it last night by the EuUeihu as iadvertiseinēnts in the edif6ral eolumnB are usoally verv expensive. That, as the Leo does not ''take anythimg baek," the Bulletin muBt |have read it with the vvrong spectacles,unless its editor only sees the straws iit his heighbor's eyrs*and judges by the heam iti its own eye! That Hon. Bush, is going to be serit 011 a mission to Jerusalem to verify the coijrectness of Daniel's ipro[)hecies in cbnnection with these |islands, so as tp- get him out of-tire iway of " prophiesying" against the Ministr3'. Thit, for the same purpose. Hon. will be sent on !a reconnoiteriiiig expedition with order to discover the submarine reefs and mines of preci©us metals belong|ng to the territories' of Hawaii nei. i That Hon. A Marqties will also |be sent out of the way of politicai ;mischief by a ikiission to the North Pole fer recruiting immigrants to irepopulate thelKingdom with. That it was ia pleasant surprise ito see.our townsman of !the ermine eowl, as he took his departure fr®!n his many friends, walking the plank with what6eemied to be an Oxford Bible under his |arm. Sochara iteristic of the .Tudge. We wish the venerable JE*cus 6on , voyage, i That the fnends of some of the members of the £oard of Health |have beet\ trying to impede ihe signature of thc petitions circulatcd for obt»ining the reinstatei»ent of l)r. Lutz, as physician to the Kalihi Leper Asyluntj That the GoVemment are paying detectivvB to <3 iscover who are the ; r'aialctmtents," a verv easy though !endiess task ; the real "dilhculty !would be to makeupn complete list of the true contents" outside of a jf«*w office-hold< rs. Thatthe Cabiti«ttare fnll of good intentions in the»r owu esti« | mation ; and ihat they propose to [ ishow it....... i|n thc s\\eet niahope!
ī 'T.hat : -ibe yet nmvi!ling U>w<-rtn th«b«hv i'o#, ' Wji«ter he so tend**riy nnnwii hfuf:i ' cehtury ago and iui|ed hhn witi» Sehlafe wohi, sehiafe i?ohl« u*ein kitv in that good old' iim* 1 , wlitjn hurd Bwearing was ti<n y fe t fashi*onable airong officia!s. That, if the necessity of the evor increasing riibbit plague woul<l ullo\y it, the valiant and nohle major fro?n Waikapu is t<i be the next Ministor of Finance, in the event '*f his henlih thepresml i ucuraLeiit to resign. ■TK:*t the !hi>ard t,f lCducotion '• ]or>g I;een loo!red aekanee at. for ita nH'lhoiiK of favoritism and peeuh;ir e(li;cationai notions."{ Vide BuUeiin).