Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 176, 21 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That drunketmess is rife jn Waimea, Kauai, th4 p«3iee ©fter) being arrestedj for beiug drnnk, whiln arresting | ethers. This does iiot speak well fōr the force of preakhing that i has been in vogue in that district' for soine thirty years past. | I That Her Majesty intends to Visit her unfortunate suhjects at the Leper Settlement Molokai. ! That those Bchooners that eame £rom Californid lately oughfc to lj>e confiscated ,and sold, and tbe eaptain and crews put ovor 011 the reef if anything crookt-d is found about them. I j That the Supreme Court declines to grant a divorce to Kualaku, a late convert to Mornionisni jilosephites], Mcause his wife who vyas condemned as a leper by our infallible ! Board of īleaiih and its Examining Agents, is reported by Dr. Swift as not having !;eprosy.. I wonder howmany niore ljias been condemned without ap-

peal to be \yrongfuJly penned up among lepep on an isolated ]7eninsula. ; | That Kualaku or his wife should ljrir>g in a suit ior $10,000 against the Board of| Health and its Agents, and eacjh individual of the Board made to pay a portion of the elaim, as a lesson not to do so high-handed in |restricting a man's liberty to th|e death hole at Molokai. j That the Pīantatron excels all, its first p!anted eane, having rattooneji six times with•ut any diminish in the yield of sugar to the acre. an "l:verage of f©ur to five t©ns:| This is on lands lately released by the Cummins-<-Brown Cabinet for a song. i That there will be a mass-meet-ing held on the lst. day of Mav, to discuss the ! action d? our ministry. I s That the firm! of two Maui Ncbles. has been endeavoring to control the cabinet. ■i That the Bojids for Mr. Hoffman of Maui, were refused on a oimsy pretext, iin order to prevent Norrie from being appointed Port Surveyor, on salary of $100 a qaonth to support himself and his r ative wife. | • That owing |to the vacillation of the cabinet feeling towards jcyal visits is |ot popular. Republicanism is being fed by the action of the M nistry ih ignoring the wishes of th 6 people. ; That an extraordinary - preraature birth occured yesterday,—a foreign lady ?iving birth to ten tins of opium. It seems that the ljady had made several trips load.ejd eaeh tim« w ith as many tins, a|nd had pass<;d the gaunlet of officiahi; but she repeated onee t«o ofteD. She waB tracfd tp a Chinese $hop and wbile in the a3t as it of disemboweling horaelf she waa arrested and taken ta the Station Houae. — -«•-♦■•♦- The xmas nnmber of liondon Tmth represented the Prinue of Wale as a chubby, bald-headed child, singing to the doll-effigy of Baron Hirsch—• i Hirsch-a-bye Baron ! i Yoi«r luek'a been tip-top, i But don't be Kk> pushing, Or down you will dropAnd if you do tumble, Great ie our fiill, : For do\vn wiil eome Baron An'l Bertie and all!