Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 176, 21 April 1891 — Government Officials. [ARTICLE]

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Government Officials.

One of the principles that tha Lko pnoDOses to eonienel for and to introduce into the issues of the next campaign, is that all officials serving under tl\e Hawaiian Governinent shall take tbe oath of allegiance. It is unnecessary and highly improper that foreigners of alien birth and allegiance should be pitchforked into the service of our Government to enjiy Hie emoluments thereof. Such favork.ism is an injustice to the native and naturalized Hawaiiana among whom there is an abundance of men fully eompetent to fill every position nnder the • Government. Unless he be a man cf extraordinary talents and abihty required for some special service, why should an alien owing his fealty to some power, and loyal only to his native land, be admitted to the re?ponsible service of this government? Their only interest in their work wiil be in the salary obtaincd, such items as loyalty and duty never enter into their conBideration, nor will they he movf d by any patriotic spirit, and their eole respect for the government that employs them is centred on!y 111 the dollar that are counted out to them monthly : Whereas when the government employS its own native born eitizens, or those who, by caring to take the oath of allegiance, signify their adoption of Hawaiian cit|zenship, the service obtained will be that of loyal subjects v whose lieme. interests and prospects are all centrtd here; and, for the sake of their families who form apart of the bulwark uf the aaiion, they must take pride in their diUies and be more honestly devoted *to the service of the is said tbat there are q»ite a number of ali«ns at pre--Bent in the service of the governiv.pr»f who have not taken thc oath of allegiance. We are preparing k list of them for publication, but will defer publicitv r till aft«r thj? first cf May, at whieh some o.f them may be disiDisnvl nnd others will have found it i>o\iti(' to take the proper oath tc qun!?ty them in our opinion f»r hol(jing oflice under this gov\'iriinent. ,