Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 175, 20 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the Queen ? s rnotives are| good, and that bhe begins to rea3ise | the mistakes niade—there is vet j hope of popular government under ! her Majestv's ifeign. I J : ■ ;..;v V " , " [ y; '. VVV vvV : v:-> ; ; v '1 I That the Bu|lletin man is mad j because his best subsoribers are | dropping him to take up the Leo. i That the /kniiie Haley opium, they say, has been planted at Kahoolawe. Here is a ehanee for the Prfnce of the future, and the Prince| of the Detectives to unearth the stuff. i i That the Hawaiian Govern* ment proposes to ae»d Hon. R. W. Wilcox, as High Commis-! Bioner to sett|e the difficulty be-1 tween Italy anld the U nited States, i |and Dr. Lyorjs, as Secretary, in j order to get them awav before the | ;next election dampAign comes on.! I '' : : :: : : ; 1 i That the Marshal is endeavoring | ito do hiB duty |manfully, but is ob- i structed in doing so by oth«rs. i :|v : ; That her Majesty returned in | good 6pirits, atfended by her kdies ! in waiting, Mrk C. B. Wilaon and j Mrs. W. Aldrich t frotn Hanauma, i laßt Friday. Th!s was fortunate j as the rough %\leather and the 'trc- l n»enodous spefcd of the vessel, so i ;we understood iCommodore Hiee to i !say, somethmi less than twenty :miles an hour thc vessel so imueh, that he yvas ob!igcd to batten ;down evoryl)o<ly below de(4;sexcept |himself who hnd steered itqe Eleu with head just out of the smokc Btack'

That th& Polim makua x}eajdy bro&e !|is - juojping opt ©f & winduw t in or4er/ r tosaver his moral neek, a**d save himself from & iittle pillei s from an infariated $omeb9āy. Thāt the Gonntry districts are 4 caliing for a visit from the Hon. R. W. Wiic6x. . - That the declarp& that what was said about the | ;md her royal voyagers w«s īiot* j true. ■ ' [ That the innate maligmty of Mrs. P.C. A. Gruncly in harrowing up the puhlie to see our piper for theniselvet, has hrought numberft ofhp\v subseribers. Onedollar a ■mouth they pay Mrs. G. Sour grapes! That certain of the l unco guid* are privately baching np a presir' statement to the eff'oct that Jthe whale ships have not been sbipping aleohol, but every boat boy knows, that the Waimana!o ' has been 3oa(jed. deep on 6everal trip t<> whalers, wit"n nothing but aiH casks on de<;k! That on behalf of the U. & Goveri.me"at "a chiei J s amang ve takin' notes, Anel faith, he'll print it " The fnll story of the mnrdering" aleohol will b<* told by him, and wepropose to give the full facts ourseives as soon as we ean get thea*. That the ,4 great dailies" .know-all-.-abdut the aleohol, but arelike Cerberus muzzl6d, lest they shoōld lose an ad. That ten of the youngest high hula kickers of the lateroyal boathouse crew have been reaiovcd to» Waimanalo. That ihe.Hawaiian Branch Committee of the Y. M. C. A. have to ( c!ose up the Queen Emma Hall in order to save the expense of $90C» a year towards the boss SfcretaryV serew. This is evangelizing Hawaiians. " Stead. of the Review of Reviews," neatly observes one of hi& enemies " has for long been the sel£constituted custodian of the morals of Great Britain. He is a kind of embodied 4 British in pantaloons, and, when oecasioa offers, about as prurient a journalist as ever lived." Whieh reminde us that we haveanother self-constiJuted custodiari of morals, whieh, when occasiot» offers is hired out to a gang of selfseeking poli%al Thugs who print 4t unwboiesome trash " on the character of private persons atid relv 01* an ahuse of the jury law to get off. How else coald«the miserab!e sheet earning , irs living * 4 exeept in tbe support of such a diBg^s<se. ,, ' Look at the composi(ion of its port of the annual iaeeting of theY- M. C. A. for instance. in itsissne of Friday last, and tell us. dear if in the face of such linguistic butchety. you ean be surprised that people übroad speak of iiB »s a people just emerging from cannibalism. We s»idly necd a law for the sompuisory instructioiy ofthe cheap newspaper adull, and a peiitt'ty for spreading out in prii»t and circulating abro?id~to our * national humi!iati<vn—?uch «amples as the aforosaid, of our n»tional illiteracv. The {>en-pio-turo artist who oiothes his imagerv in 21 os denim. ought to bo rele» gated to the cross-cut !faw and thewood pile.