Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 175, 20 April 1891 — Marriage a Divine Institution. [ARTICLE]

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Marriage a Divine Institution.

We rejoice with the angels when we see the editor of th« Bulletin 3ook at the Holy S2riptures, in prdcr to fin*d out bv whom marriage was instituted, for what purpose it was ordained, and bow mueh publicity the records give of the ceremony, and what wēre the gifta and the < amount of dower given, &c., that the husßand reCeiVēd. As he seems to fear. by * his (iuotatious from the ]Jible, receiving to mueh light on thej subject, we will help hiin, and | otheivs who have only the lower I instincts for their guide, to aj better knowledge of the marriage | or<linance as institute£L b} the ] (.'leator. | Origin. j like the Sabbath was | of <livine origin; and was insti-! IiWA in the garden of Eden,' whieh is briefly described thus: i " And the rib, whieh the LonēH ha«l taken from mau, made ire a| wom a n, a nd h e hrowjht her unto the \ v.>" /?.' G en. 2: 22 Object. 'So (iod created man in his own iurage, in the irnage of (Jod created he them. And God- blessed them, and God said unto them, Befruitftd and multiph/, and replenish the earth, and subdue it." Gen. 1:27, 28; for " he created it not īn vain, he formed it to be inhabitedlsa. 45:1'8. 2. " And th« Lord God said, It is 7wt good that the man *hovld be alone; I will make him a help meet for him." Get». 2:18. īhu" from the Creator's own language, we find that tiie msrriage ordinance was for the elevation, and refinement of man by association with true womanhood, as well as help to him in hi« temporal welfare. The object then was to populate the earth and to render him happy. Plan. | To accomplish this two fold purpose, God ordained that man should have only one wife, not many wives, neither a numberless number of concubines. k< Therefore shall man leave his fatber and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife. [not runaway ( ner rob his wife and chiidren] and they [twain] shall 1e one Aeeh." Gen. 2:24. Every other form of marriage outside of the plan of God, is unholy. It is the most sacred relati#n that eān exist between the two sexes. It is not a matter of wjiat a fathēr may have to give with his daughter, nor is it one to be made puhlie like that of • a ni mals at a cattle show, as some oi our editors encourage the eommunity to believe. Original Plan Sustained. Neither shall thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her; • • * * besideB her in the life time." Lev. 18:18. u Therefore take heed to your spirit, and lēt none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth. For the T>orl the God of lsrael, saith he hateth putting away." Mal. 2:15. Christ said: 14 Frora the beginning of the Creation God made them m a'lo and female. For this ca«se shall a man leave bis father; and mother, and cleave to his wife and they iwain shall be one fiesh; g » then they are no more t\v«in. Uivt one flesh. What therefore God hath join<;d together let no man

put <isntiihr"Miirk. 10:6,*J. "!ft hath been aaiel; whbssevgj put wife, let bim giye her a writing of divorcemeMt; but I say unto you, that whosoever shall gws, {iway hiB wife sating for the cavse of fōrnication, causeth her to eommii adultery; and, whosever shnll marry her that is divorced eommitteth adultery. Matt. 5:31, 32. Paul said: " Let every one of, yoa in particular so love his wife [not her fathers Hi©ney] even as him- j self; and the wife see that shel reverance hcr huBbaiul." Eph. 5: j 33. " A bishop then must vbe| blameless the hmhaml of one wife" j '* Let the deacons be the husband i of onr, icife." |