Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 174, 17 ʻApelila 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


:That there is iuore straighlf(->r-ward Bensft in any one of the Leo v s English editorials, than in nll the eflfusions of the self-stvlei.i 4 le»(ii foreign daily ; That the people of Kailua, Kona, Hawaii, are ag fatui!y eom- /

pac'ts, and are d<»wu against the' ' 4*fhaving fos 38'J1 thc k.aae : v tax appeal Board us exi3t«*d ip • , v 1890;andthat if {J oonny 5 ' Austiu is to be kept <in the Agsess<jrship il papa" Austift ougbt not to be aJlowed to be the presiding jiidgo - - on the appeal Board, for it ia a weil- ' known faet that "papa" will never doclare wrong &»ything done by his dear u Sonnv."

That Revd. 01e.soh has :ij!|)lied to thtf goverr)ment for tho pu!>itioii !of Censor-in-chief over the loeal press, itieimJing ths Hilo "Rccord," a:u! that, if ho the bii!et, he will try to muz2le the l, Vo ; ce of tha Uoph" (Ka Lko); but xhat ..-will be no. Binceure !

That the p«blic are getting anxio:is ai>out the new Liberal Party" who w:is lately born withtHi.t its mother [promoter] being prcyer,t. iNewborn bodies generallv not'ify tlieir exifttence ■by wai!ing, but nothiiig is heard of tho Liberal Party. Is it waiting for__the_ returii of its ]>ronioterfc. froni abroad, or has it boen osphixiated by public scoru and indiffereiice ?

That the Japanes« authonties are bigbly incensed over the fucts disclosed by the Leo o'f» uiifair treatment of Japanese in Hilo by the faraily compact.

That it will neccessitate an international conflict to bring the Attorney Genei:al to -hia duty in respect to scaadals. Thatlihe gush disp«a\ r er in the loeal dailies in writing up matii*~ Lponial ceremonies is a sure sign of the demoralisation atid eoneeption of the coHQmunity v and that those d;iilieB ought to know better than to pander to sueh low instinc.ts. Noiieeā.—The Ka Leo o-la Laliui will henceforth be obtained everv moming at both the News Agcncses down town. Price 5 cents a copy. That tbe subsrcjption Jist ofthe Ka JLt3q has increased wonderfuliy since it was branded t very kihdiy, lt as a paper to be devoutly avoided." Many thanks for the advertisement! Please repeat as oftea as you think it consistent with your religious teachings: forbidden fruit is ail the uiors savory heeauae it is forbidden. (See the history of Eve and the Prince of Tyrus.) . That three more ship loads of Japs are expected in a •Bhort while to fill Up the thinned ranks of our legal peous and to give more occnpation to our Banctirooniou? slave drivers.