Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 173, 16 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the ' very. Eeveren<l and p«gnaclous has yet heen unable to anßwer the challenge of the Advertiser for showing the of Sister report of the mismanagement of the Board of Healih. It seems that all the Beriptural strength nf Rey. 01esoti is nofc sufScient to put him i« ttīe way of proving tmth is nntrue. * That Rev. 01eson wiil ne?:t time be a little tnore prudent and eautious ia writing aboufc thing* thtit are entirely out pf his province. That Rev. Olescm would do better to attend to his pupils aiid sht)w his scholars h©w to eaw wood aecording to the Bible prineiples than to (i«e his pen for political religion, whieh is not*[hloly !sōn! That many I a pious and sanetiintsniohs heari opens every iipoming the Ka Leo with trernl>ling haiīā und bated breath for fear of finding some startling revelations about hidden sins. That the new order for candidates for government situations is to first eall on the coijirt sorceresess and kahunas and put them in good standing in their dark dens. No'man will be emplojred or.promoted without the kahuria ? s approbatioii and snggestioii.

Thjas Bev. P. C. Jones is so borrified ;&t the growing consumption of frh:at abominable devilish inventi©n 'siquor in! Honolulu* that īike an indigoant patriarch. he intends j to tu£n' away| from the» aleoholie Sodo?p l and t{int his depart»re will be hailed with unmitigated sorrow bv hils specially as it diminish the| īnoome'of the firm. j „Lpok out for tihe piilar. friend Pop-1 crvmt We could name a'few others! who,could be better spared. | That opiuni smuggling is growing to be a Comm|on thing on the seas arotind 4 our tair islands. and that " unknown " iersfta, in " distress'' or otherwise,nre seen hugging the coagt and around caves, ,CQves an4 rancbesT owried by ex«fficials. ' f : = T\iat the yacht foeu. Commodore Rice, 6f' tlie v Fiying Squadron, took Her Most Gracious Majesty and B&ite, for jThurstoti Cove last Tue'sday» was quite a pan©ramic scene worshyjb"e pen t>f a poet and ;the to I yacht lying at her moorings, gentiy | rising and falling with the undulating ewel!, with the obeēe Commodore quiet!y | kmusing himself at watching thfe rōyal pa?ty gamboiing ! <m th© san% an4 plunging ,«portive!y into the coiaabing Waves, clqthed with % aimpl# like a-coronet arouns theif brows tb hide their nakedoesstim Queen, Calypso add ;£er mernaakls, '&b tlre goddess cov!yj caresg&dpōor Uiysseg lodks t &£ ; r . "liising Bsght ber £riendly shades ex~ tends, To th& clds6 grot the lon'oly ' pair asceode.'f - ■» The ladirs ail|like sea nympths in~ deed, attended bysome oude eolonel with a rich carminean maro, like a radiant xone, !fcirding h»s loins, were sportiog on thb briny deep with all jthe artless innoeenee of our parents

sceno ii^^)£§S|s»^ trmisīets&ā. ooto feim«i-r no (iooM iJad ite waj ki ifegr j&tag& of some sullsn pr ©astejn Bat ne one «njojed it more tbaa the ,widoweji .Gotaa3odore.' ' Tīiat the Pr«sicient of the Board of Health has beea sprinkled and * ; sponged with hōly water, from the | biq4ismal font of the Union Street > Church, by .one of the pfcrs cf j that eliurch% lt he has heei> jseiz(nl with a -new sense of bonor, | i.e., io honor t3iemalice and v»ndie-t»veness-of one man and to dishonor the feelings of the unfortunate lepfers and of the for the restoratīon of Dr. Liitz, The sticcess of ihedo(Uor has sefc the saints of the above- ohurch &gahisfc him, beeause it clashes against their interesL That we eeho th seentimeots of * the Bīdleiin editor of -last Tucs?dayv that' *' we have ?-mongst ua thc£& who are nt all tim.es wiiriDg to mw~ represeiit our po!itieaī conditions and plaeard peysohal libels against. privkte or public citi?en§." This is quite tme f viquite .true, especiallywheh ,the editor of the Bulletin iindertook to mislesd thetJjmbiie here frora the real &fthorLitf the Exami- * ner letters, on to Mr..Stagge, and when ehallenpeā by ■. the latter, for fear of unp]easant diselosui , es, aetualiy # ehrivelled up like a defunet. toad.