Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 173, 16 ʻApelila 1891 — Organ Recital. [ARTICLE]
Organ Recital.
Prpfessor Bissel js to give a recital on the organ of Kaumakapili Churcij on the evening of Friday the 24th inst. and lovers of raosic who "have not heard Mr. Bissel, eaa rest assured of a treat. It is not gen-i eraHy known that as an e]bquent expounder of Chrietian truth of the modern school of philo3ophic reaBQners. and as a boni extem- ' pore speaker, the Eevd. R. D. Bisael has no equal at present ,on these islatids. When he resided; in \\failuku the reunions at his house were delightfuL af)d'dull indeed wās tliat viliagc when he! departed. That a strange schooner has been noticed near the '!fighing" grounds of Reform Fish:ng Cluh, nearj Dianiond Head. Tbat ono editor was badlv hit byi a eoup <le vie at 10 a.ua. yesterday, and had to.be taken hopoe in & covps. Moral: Don't mix your drinks too early iu the morn'ng.