Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 173, 16 ʻApelila 1891 — Discord? [ARTICLE]
There seems to be a singular laek; of harmon!ous understanding be- ! tween at least two of the depai-t-; ments of the Governinent, in their workings in Honolulu: We refer to - the noticeable cross-purposes whieh has been going on in our streets, between the road authori-| tieis and thē department of water- ; works. and no-where has this cross- j ourposing been more apparent than| in the repairs now made on Bere-i tania «treet. The road " authori-; tiesaredoing good and certainly| expensive work, a full reloading of [ the road-bed with hard macadam,; whieh w&s badly needed on that| long-neglected street, and whioh will last a long time, if proporly! and carefully done, and jujciiciousiy attended to u.fterwards by the| standing caittoniers. But it has j been noticed that as soon as a por-:j tion of tha street is finished by the | road authorities and put in it3 per- j manetit condition, so soon does! the water works department find; out that something needs to bej done by them on that very same portion of streefc t and immediately ; men are dispatched to tear up thej newly made roadbed and dig up, through the rolled maeaelam, big holes whieh are afterwards fi|īed up in a bungling manner, so as to leave, in the ptherwise uniforna -an4 well graded road-bed, a marked depression, whieh will very spon increase, with time and traffic-wear, thereby causing the ruin of the road-bod.* • I6:;this way, not otily! injury i§ $atfsed to the road, *but also the matter must cost doub]y to the Government i.e., to the'taxpayers. It seems that all r6pairfeof water-wt>rks ought to be done on the differeT>t sections of oiir streets,' before the beavy- repairs are begun on the road-beds, tind this would only need avery s?mple nrelitninary understanding between the two ! departments, thereby saving labor; and-leaving th6' road nndisturbed. Who is to be blamed'in ttie matter, the puhlie wōuld like to know; bqt, in tlip \nean while,H our friend Charley u Promise" to look into the mātter, if his num- j eroug occupations will permit him.