Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 173, 16 April 1891 — Forgot the Whiskey. [ARTICLE]

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Forgot the Whiskey.

There was lot of bustie on tbe Pacific w ail wfearf last Saturday, The hurri mne deck uf the frigate Akaniai was being loacled with creaturc comfortg for a whaie ship whieh eoukl be seen uutside etandjogoffandon. €aptain Cook and the Admiral stood abaft the hinnaele while tbe steam gange indicated $25 pressure for the trip. A steady breeze was oif the land and the eap'n was "about to ]et go the flying jib and steam ofF, when the \vhaling skipper startled all" hands and the eook by performing what might be the hulaliula of the Laplanders and at the sarae moment yelling out "HoWon, make • fast again till I eome haek." After an exchange of ideas in an undertone with the r<irpr<-sentative of E. O. Hall and the skipper was so«n i;hoard a four-wheeler heading— at the rate of nineteen knots an hour towards the Cufitōm-house. '• \Vhat's the n)att<'r with the old said a Ka Li:o reporter (wiio (;hanced to be near) to one of the whaler's crew in the whaleboat along side the Akamai. " The o.ip'n forgnt the 'tradin, \vhiskey,' an he dou't sail without that, yer bet."

We tbought of not printing tbis as there is not any of the romanee of guess-work about it as to where and by whom tbe whiskey travels. But we thought Mt. P. G. Jones might get at the faets from his. friend O. W. who was , present, and print them ahead of us. We hope neither the church nor the W> C. T. U. will exercised over this "tradin whisk§y" business for the spirituous destruction of the Arctic Indians, as in all pro»j.ability per cetvt of tne profit on the business will find its way into some church or gospel temperance fund, devoted | to the glory of the Loard and thc | ?pread of the Terewth. The aleohohe dividend will help to buy fistfulls of pious ieaflets whieh will inform the converted Alaskan Indian of what a lot of good people there is in iheee parts who are trying to grab the Evil Onb by the tail, but will forget to meniion how the Devil ean always be corralled in a custom corner by the pious man who has suffieient pull ioget him [the divil] on to an invoi3e. Another gocd traet will inform th@ Alaskan Tngun how a host of pioup women prayed to death— a īa knhuna, a wicked licensed saloon keeper in lowā, and then tumed his fire-water into the gutter, and how that saloon keeper under u pious influences" became possessed of a heap of christian virtues for himself, and hada lot to give away. Will any honest upright individual start a movement fdr tfie diBBeniination of Christianity among Christians. for the conversipn of Church ©fficers and meinbers, for teaching the rudiments of the faith to prominent believers f forspeading the first principles of temperance among profesged leetota! philanthropists; and generally putting lhings on a rational basis of eommon honesty, and th:s paper wiil give him its best eupport.

The skipper got awfuliy Mek—he, ] When he found how the spirit gofc % mist—he Would the Ingun look glum, īf he sailed witiiōut Eum ? Was a problem too mueh and to risk-he.