Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 172, 15 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That tbe peoplo of California are paying*us in opium for tbe aleoho', whieh Me3srg, Al. Koholi & Boys exported to Al:iska a year < r two agc. For ways that are peculiar, and for treiks that are vain, the way in īlonoluia, the gospel ie :>reach<?d for g,un, under the auspi?ces of the A. B. C. F. M. is far ahead of the ways of the Heathen Chinese. That ns opium gave the missionaries an excuse to fcvert«rn the constitition hy a rev®lution, and rob the Hawaiian of his rights; the schooner loads of opiniug whieh the natives are not sumggling mto tbe country ought to start the pious 'frauds to gt?l lip. another rēvolution against themseives and againfoTce soyereignty to sign another eonstitution t* make slavery legitirnate under that docurnent and ft>rce the Hawaiian laborer to take hiß pay in opium. That indignant religtonB pretenderthat blaspfeemes tbesanctity of the Kawaiahao pulpit, would do better for his flock to join the Edit.or of the Ka Leo and show up his Rlows who, if the truth was' knoh«R something to do with the mosq'uito fleet crusing aroUrid the Sandwieh Iglands.

That seventy years ago the missionary broughtthe gospel, t©lerated rum and syphiiis as it eame inio the country, as the only whereby the Hawaiiana eould piek up the necessary ehurch tithe for the Levites; that now, it is opium and aleohol, the other concomitants to religion and civilization f»iling to bring in enough eoin for the Saints. That some of the high officials read our paper with avidity from othfer peoplea copies, bat are too mean to piyr for the service that the Leo renders as a mirror to see the sports and bfemish oa tkeir immaculate coiors and necktieB y as that of course wottid help the papfer. But gentl«m«H, don't you know, under the royal law of liberty, you all profess td follow. that you are breakingthe eighth eommandaieni, and that sin is a trams> gression of that law, aod that you will be thrown into the lake of fire by and by if you do no?st*p 'robbinej Bueh ? •That u that fellow M that oditi the Ka L»Oj meant to aistose tībe dor» mant eoergies Qen< < eral and Marshal to attend lo their i buBiness. and look iato u that mui> ! der" that was coi»mitted ia broad day light in Hamakua, und<» tbe noae, ears and eyee, «f both their snbordinates, the Sheriff aud Depu* ty Sheriff of Hawaii, both of wfcK& gentlemen belong to the sa»oilk as the Attomey % GeneraU ando&e of whom has openlv boasted that because his Ci cousin ,? is in office he eaa do as he pleosf«. The L®o only wantB to kuow, whotkeryou both are, or are not what you pretend to bp, or whether vou are frat)ds.