Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 172, 15 April 1891 — What is It? [ARTICLE]
What is It?
It has been calcuiated that a man ean produce.edo«gh in twodays to |Bupply his waiits for seven. Why is it then that so many men are compelled to wor& the seven days for half-a-living, while many more afe unahle to eam anything? The answer is that one class of persons elaim the land, the water and the air and have fcnced the world in with barbed-wire. Poer men ean not work t cannot exist even, without permission of the property holders. Capitalist|s are arrogantly insolent; they say: If our wealth does not produce nilw wealth will withdraw it; we are enough; the \Vage earners may Btarve; that is| hisaffair. The reasen why the laboring clasees m var:ous parts oftheworld
*ro *H o->i>ftt®ea j»ni 'W^.^ipKp priestg do thsir thinking 4tw Diffusion of intelHgence ig Ihe mm* edy. The tinrffwili wheei men will refuse to forge chsinsfor their own lji«bs- That is what ev€ryone does who votes for the Slavc-l3eai-ers' Party. That Mr- G. Wilder is g#Bg down to Haw'aii to-day to investithe Hamakua murder case and ito upply a coat of wlxitewash to iPomo offic:alB whoare sadlv in need of renovation. From wh it we know of Mr. WikWe affinities we ean hope thiit he will only not report that Iliiwaii is blessed with a sheriff of extr.iordinary integrity if fonnd otherwivSe.