Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 171, 14 April 1891 — HAPPY AUSTRALIANS. [ARTICLE]

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A I)ecision Allowing the Restriction of-Chinese Immigration to Britisli Colonies. Sydney (N. Y. W.), March 20.— The decision of the Privy Council, a!lowing the British colonies to restrict the admission of Cbiriese, gives great satisfaction in Australia, whcre the subject has been a burning one for a long time. The provision by whieh custoii!S ofFicers are permitted to reject any immigrant, though tendering his poll tax, will be immediately extended to cover the Chinese, and will eheek the flow of Chinese immigration. It is expected that the Chinese Government will pro test and appeal to the treaty bctween Chi na and Great Britain for the protection of its subjects. But it is not believed it will get any more satisfaction than it did from the United States.

The <leternrination of the Australian provin6fs to restriet Chinese has now advanced to total excrasion. Thirty years ago there was only bix known cases of leprosv in Australia, every one of whieh was a Ohinaman. Now eaeh of the seven provinces has its leper hcspital for the tion of its lepers, and nine out of ten of the inmates are Ghinese and even . the aftlictioh of the tenth patient ean be trac< j d to Ohineae contagion. - f

Add to this the evil of the opiaai habit whieh was proved to be spreading among men, women and even girls of tender age, and we have the sufficient argument of Australia for Chinese exclusion without introducing the <|uestion of labor corr»petition.