Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 171, 14 ʻApelila 1891 — NO REPEAL INTENDED. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Ain«r!<;a's Treaty of Reciprocity With the Hawaiiau Istaad. Gellector of the Port T. Guy Phelps yesterday received the following circular from the Trea--Bury Department at Washington: Treasuby DepahtmentJ Office of the Secretary, > D.C.'Marchl4lB9l.) To CoHectors and Other Officers of the CuBtom: The foilowißg act of *CongresB, approved March o, 1891, entitbd "An Act relating to the treaty of. reciprecity with the Hawaiian Islands, ,, is published for the information of officers of the customs and others concerned. O.L Spaulding, Assistant Secretary An act relating to the treaty of reci|>rocity wlth the Hawaiian Islands: Be jt by the Senate and House of Rkpfesentatives of the United States of America in Con-

greas assembled. Th»t nothjing in the act approved October 1,1590, entitled "An Act to reduce the revenue and equalize duties on imports, and for other purposes," shall be held to repeal or impair the provisions of the convention respecting commercial reciprocity concluded January 30, 1875, with the King of tbe Hawaiian Islands, and ex-tended by the convention proclaimed Noveml3er 9, 1887; and. tLe provisions of said conventibn sha!l be in full foree and effect as if sait! act had.not passed. Appr wed March 3, 1801. The ai>ove has been published in the San Francisco press, but we fail to see how this act passed .by the Congress of the Uniced States ean }ielp into any better position than, as the resuit of tbe 23assage of the McKinley bill, we occupied immediately before it pnssed. " The provisions of said (Ilawaiian) conventton shali be in full force and effect" but the l>ottom has been knocked out of it, and it will have to be considerablv tiiikercd and patched up before it ?an be of any service to the .Hawaiian side of the house. As it stands now it is decidcdly a one-sided bargain.