Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 170, 13 April 1891 — Repopulation. [ARTICLE]

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There now seemis t® be a ehanee for holpiug our repopu!ation problem by obtaining a liniited amount of people of a most congenial race The latest fldvices from Tahiti note ihe fact thatr the l>rave nation of Ivaiateß,—honrng against hope,-are still co:itinuing thcir original fight with the French; but rnany are getting discourf)ged and are said to be willing to emigrate sooner than to submit, Why cannot trustwothy natke agents bē sent down from here for ascertaining the facts, to be quickly followed, if the Raiateans justified it, by a ship to bring upas many families as might be willing to becpme Hawaiian subjects. A fact of tbis nature would fully justify the Adiiiinistration,- —if really it has any favorable feel ing toward the good of Hawaii nei,—to dispose of some adequate government land on the island of Hawaii, whieh ihe Raiatean w6uld find tlie niost sintable of our group.