Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 169, 10 April 1891 — Matters on Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

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Matters on Hawaii.

lime 18 a great pacifier. Men, and women too, outlive ecandal. Eyt we eay tothe Marsbal. Minister and the Queen that the people of Hawaii are hot going to forget the negligence committed by high officiats on Hawaii. Nuinejro.uB specific charges have been iaid befbre the h*ad of the departnient, but no inveatigation tuts ever j heen made. īndeed, no inv«stigation is necessary to esta|>lish what is uotorious. Tiie only answer given to these complaiats is ,that they will be considered; wait a few inonths. In the space of a few monthB several persons might lose their property, ftheir liberty or even th*ir liveB as tbingshaveheretofor« been conducted. Hitcheock says he will reign in Hawaii as long as WhitiT»g is miWisfcer. The Attomey General is said to be using his best to keep thesei people in power. Being weU inforrnc?d of their negligence, he thus makes himself an aeeoinpliee, arid the first question of tbe next legife!ature will bo why he has countenanced them in raaking a incckery of justice «nd the adminißtration of the law a disgrac« to civilization. These mutter oannot be smoothed over. Thc prei?surc of family inflaenee raay be gr**at, and our* AtU»rney General mav temporize, but the ring will be l>roken and those who have supported them will share the opprobrium.