Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 169, 10 April 1891 — THE WORKINGMAN. Our Duty as Journalist apples to Ali and is Universal. [ARTICLE]
Our Duty as Journalist apples to Ali and is Universal.
The BvMetin of Wednesday last contains the following as its first editoral: " The Amenean workman is quite able to get on with his conditions without the advice of Mr. Bush Suppose Mr. Bush devotes a few coluinns to his own countrymen, run out by Ohinese." We might content ourselves with the retort courtēous and say. that the Awerican worlcn»an is quite able to get on without the advice of Mr. Johnstone, and as a matter of fact the American or any ©ther workrnan might scan the pages edited/by Mr. J6hnstone for a month, without finding to help his " eonditions " as a workmau. Tlie article in our paper of the Sth, whieh the editor of the ĪMkiin refers to, was writteii in illustrationr @f our criticism of contract Jabor. It was there shown how the free Itaiian carpenters s who were pro)> ably introduced uinder the now repeaied law, by whieh laborers were brought to the Btates under contract, were driving the An'enean oaroer.ter to the wall by workinj.'for $2 a dav. Xs this what ]»fr. JohnRtone turns his c\*nical noesat? Mr. Bush congratulates Mr. Johnstone upon having .it last mustoicd
Bttf£cient coun*ge to write a smal] J>»r#grapix j>n the merits c>f Judg<* Ooke' decisipn in the caseof Miesfci vs. the Hilo Sugar Cmirpany, whieh decision Mr. Bush wae the first to publtsh nnd to comtaent on two weeks ago. ±las Mr. Johnstone had to wait for three weeks for the opinion of atockholders, before he c®uld |>riiit his feeble assent '*to the j«stness of Jud«je Doles' dissenting opinion "? An opinion bj T the way whieh favors working ciasses in general. •Mr. Bush also oongratuhtes the boss editor of the Ēulleiin upon havīng notined tlie nativo u newspaper combination," whieh was also 2nd inst., under thē heading ,of - Buying up the Press." We shall be glad to see rwr eontenapornry take the fcar? in writing on questions whieh will tend to help the working class, instead of caviliing at those who try to. We loore aH interest in a paper ■ whieh deuls out by the ha3f stickful as newe. nnrat{ei-s that hasHbe?n for v»ecks discnssed and disposed of In closing Mr. Bush begs to suggest to Mr. Johnstone, in aecordance with iiis own erican to return to Aonerica a-nd ieave Hawaiian poiitics alone as he dces not yet know them.