Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 168, 9 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That a large oxit r.f ouv "to\vr»s peoplo lr.ok plaeo yesterti*'y ; for foreign elimea. That ;< i» ror "i»ent oflidal left for a visit East, by, pDrnii3sion, who it is paid II 'ie oflicialiy guUntined"during his al)sence, That another oilieial took French lcave of absence, due, s:iys a contemporary to c"omcstic infelicity and tlie influence of arbi-

trarv petticoat- govermnent. That manv of the bhov% aboard the steamer wept when they heard the trumpet tones of Berger's Band, as the vessel drev away from the wharf, playiug the u girJ I left behind me." That John Thomas has taken his sumriier toiir abroad. looking hale and froytv and bViniful of the sp|arkling elixir of life. Tīiat :Cluiiey-\B. has abroad to buy nn island, witli the view of runnir.g a g<jvernnient of r his own. . [ Thnt decapit:ition of a man during his absence, lacks principle and courag© on the part of the executioners. ' That Marqnes' Civil Service Bill would prevent a s!aughter of the innocents, if it had been made law. That the supposed author of the Chronicle letters, left by the Australia for San Francisco, and that hi§ absence will not be njissed except ss a party leader paha. That i.s a grass widower and is inconsolable. That Carter will reeign if Lutz is reinstnted. That the Queen feels the burdens and ctares pf state, and realizes that all that glitters is not gold. That the medical examin ation po!itxm>eri, under thte new Polic« regula tions. has be«n modified. ThaJ; purchusers are after Mokuumeume, or Fordfs Island, in Pearl Harbor, and that a wellknown broker and lind grabber has already loaned three thousand dollar?| to the yonng heir of the propertv, wh«> iō in the United States.| That tht CGsmopolitan Shooting Ass f ia'.ion embraees n large fjprinkl;n'i of Mongols and Hawaiiaii^. That .Tud Do!e'> opin on on the validity of transfers of eontract i? t';e jnajor view of the peoplel