Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 168, 9 April 1891 — Who is Holy? [ARTICLE]

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Who is Holy?

'*He wns not a holy man, I linve }sear<l it inurniure<i. iiow «ianv of th'? profes3Īn<: Christiaii of Antrnca are note*l for their puritv and iruth ? \Vlut propi»;rtion of tho foreign Christian populstion of Hau aii are frce from lust, ra-p.U-!ty. ui<d 1V;:U<1 ?

We q«ote Ihe above reoiarks of Mr.Beed of Trmi}y Church, S.F., with referenee to the late Iviog's character fdr holiness t and the comparison made with those who profess Christianity, and peculiar and fitting attributes applied to them interrogativeh f by the au- ; thor of tlie article, The appliea- | tion could not have been mure "truthful, m the stiiteQiertt, than if the author had been a resident amongus. Whatever maybesaidof people in other plae no:;e excelHawaii for lust, rapacity nnd fraud. Tije poverrv of the Ilawaiiane in law?s especiatly, is due to eome of the rnc.st outrageous and tricky transactionB, that ea n be exercised betwecn individuals. A atrong evidon.ee in favor of the rectoīT ? &opi&ion:o.f'our-foreign Christian ponti!ation, is the faet that our most worthy ChriMian friend.s h:tve absorbcd through lust, rapncity alld fraudi neariy everything th(-re-is- in the country. and they arc no w.ing to obtain the pou'er to euslave the people/