Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 168, 9 April 1891 — What is Wealth? [ARTICLE]

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What is Wealth?

In a long article on " lVealth," the London Daily News impresses upon its readers as a desirable thing that all should redouble their I efiorts towards amassmg riches i "as the purchasing power of money is daily lessening, and those rentiers who fancy they are set up for life now will fmcl themselves badly left at the expfring of the present century." Trne, 0 sagfe, and yet the rentier may be even worse off than you have foreshadowed; in fuct he may have ceased to cumber the earth;; biit regarded from anot}ier standpoint tne morality of your logic is as doubtful as your eeonomie» are vague. the "accumulation of riches does not constitute, the aeme of utility, reason or happiness. The men who are mniiiw/ in vyhat the world terfMS sonye,"— that wretche<l iri.edio6rifcy of human caj)acity whieh wrong!y. imagines the satisfaction *of individual monetary cravings, regardless of the feelings or interests of others, as essential to their own welfare and happiness: are the men whom posterity will enshrine with honor, while the lives of the money-grub-bers will descend into perdition.

In the latter days of the rniser's life his pßst misdirected energies eome sadiy hor»e to him. I;n--hcnored aod unsung he is eōnsigned to oblivion. Happiness without svnipathy is purely chimerieol.