Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 168, 9 April 1891 — Lying Historians. [ARTICLE]

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Lying Historians.

. There probably is nofc a spot on earth that suffers so mueh froni the peā «f the lying parapatetic globe-trotter as Hawaii. Every ignoratnus who epends an hour in Honolulu and suffers from the incurable disease of wanting to Bee himself in pnnt, must uraw a soul harrowing view of $ur condition whi«h generally excites our «wn laughter and disgust, as un exaggerated if not totally false pieture. Nor ean we be content with charging foreign visiiors only with i being our traducers. Eeccut correspondeuce published in the San Francisco papers; notably the Examiner and Chronicle, are probabJy the work of ioeal residents, a n<l are dastardly and coritempta-ble-efforts, aimed in a spirit of ■ malignity to wound and inj v:re ai least one high in the eonimuiiity whose exalted position rendērs personal defence impossible. The probability is, that if the tJontemptable c>\vard nnd his coijfreres who penned the Examiner articie stood revealcd before the ])iiblic, we should see a group the < enter figure of whieh. is not remarkable for the virtues of chastity or commercial morality, and the most probable impul&e of the honest f©reigner in this community would be to decorate him with a i;oal of tar and feathers in rec©gnilion of his merit as a writer of loeal history, The latest uncomplimentary pieture of ourselves k as others See us T is printed in the P. C. Advertiser of Tuesday last. and is stated to have appeared in "The Hurst Johnian" a small religious monthly publlshed at Hurstpeirpoint, Eng. As we —in our English travels— never. eame across, or heard of this village, we snppose it to be some obscure spot on the coast known for a few months in the year as a ' £ wateriug plaee," and for the halanee of the year chiefly occupied by the loeal curate and his wife and ten daughters f who between them print the "Johniafi" to help out the family 'Johny — eake.' We consider the fact of this burlesque appearing in the obscure l 'Hurst Johnian" proof of the fact that it could not find its way into any well-read or readable magazine.

Eut. snvs the Advertiser u it is credited to high authority." Ah, iheīe'a the rub. The ehanee of «harging Bisbop Willis with having inspired the abBurdities with whieh the "Johnian" article abounds, was too good to be lost. The vl Johnian" scribe was evidently a "cad" of the tory type who was as unfamiliar with good inanners as he was of good eomposition. He cnlled on Bishop \YiJlis and was in such a liurry t:in t he eould only catch our Ki:ig's nane as • t Catchmalioo." But this is the Hort of stuff. that must be tack-d »n to a worthy self-den}'-irig minister of the gospel. whose iife on these islands has been a 4 iiving epistle" known and read of all men; consecrated to the ringle t>urpose of doing good to all— but espccially to the Hawaiian, to whom hiB mission is especially

«liīeeipel and for whose welfare his best efforts anel private pur»e u're ever open. "Oh the raritv of Chrlst : an ch»rity under the Sun."