Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 167, 8 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That government ofhcials are liakle to impeaehmeni before the next Legislature for their arbitiary misapplication of appropriations; t'he Legislature specifies the number of clerks; their positions, <and pay, but Freddy tries to ape l>is>mark and hold Legislature nnd ! M.inisters in contempt. | That a prominent German -firm ! in Honolulu has an D»tnblishc-d I regulation that none of its em-j [ployees ghajl marry a Uawali.in j girl. under penirity of ' «lij?n;i:^l: ] That is sour-krautz \vith a ver.-' geance, sure. ! ji T.hat the Finance Dep:ir('nent iihas more machinery anv ' i Other department of the j , ment, but the new motor . to be always out of oruer, n\)'d ! ; need to be regulated. j i: That G. B. J. A. C. ar.d the | :three stags are going to start a ' ,new r journal. j

That a lato Premior K»Dginnd an AdM»ir:il of the Ani4fi- : eau navy and si>ught to have , tiaval forces lantled to protect iiiui ita his indQfensible position. Thal Paul Neumann gets all the credit for ihe Japanese Immi- - gration, bat the puhlie forg«t that Col. lankea and his secretary, H. 1 F. Poor wcre- the iirst to secure the of the ineul to the immigration upon wli>i*:3 a1:l subsaquent ngrevuicnts WCIV b:»wd. , . Thnt the editor of the Builetin ha_d a st»|r.party at his house thfr elho" evenuig: tliat the stag had a lioiioi cxpressiou, but w<*s cowed by thc; Texans cjuill and īaid down ■a luli haivd of clubs: this stag :<ssoci:\t';d \v;th t;vo other uranatt-d *t:si» who are so tiu»id that they | o:ie another keep nuder covcr, but ; the v-'hoie now Luttir.g their brain-' i les3 ' .iums against.^