Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 167, 8 April 1891 — Parson Oleson. [ARTICLE]

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Parson Oleson.

The irrepressible doniinie \vith the *'Rev." prefix who volun:eers to do the political bul3yißg for the holv gang of Fort St., is again to the front. In u letter to the Advertiser of Monday last the holv jnan takes that journal to task for publishing Sister Rose Gertrude's lctter t® the Ladies* Home Journal, and has the brazen iin|pudence to write, '*Residents of j Honolulu know weli enough that ( that eommunieaiion is misleadj ing." Then foliows the logic of j the ehean and servi!e pedagogue:— ; M lf the * * * statements ! were cold hard facts were # you ijustified in. printing them," ete. ) Whieh rcminds us of another antiquc pedagogue who set up on his own account as a chcaj> tribune narned Dogberrv. V We suppose that in the exercise iof tuat oHiee bv whieh 01eson leame by the ho has |in his tinic prc:iched from Pilate's | wor<:s, ,k Wh:it is Truth ?" As a I ]jrcachor of ]»oiiticnl th, when | laet rc qu]res to bc dexterously i blended with fiction, we know j»Mr. 01eson bcst, as a faiiure and |a howling frost for his party. Wearing as he does the livery ©f a wealthy man and feeling thereby financially proof to honest scorn, be probably deeuis it good and safe to whoop now and then especiallv when one of the faithi ful is touched—-to make a shovving for his eei'ew. Evidcntly 01esow would like the holy guild of Fort St.—svhose fugleman hē is—to have a censorship over the press, with himself as chief Xnquisitor. How love!y everything would go then ! What pleasant we should have of Kalihi as a paradise when at the time it rnay be a very char-nel-house. īt wouki be a cold day especially for the submissive Uawaiian — when men of the Oleson stamp have any considerable share in the management of the Hawaiian affairs; as for the foreign working class they find" a ready way ef deali ng with the 01eson brood. To give 01eson honest advice on the subject of truth and manliness would be tfi£gwing_ pearls before pigs, the double iron of nar row sectarianism and servility has eaten into his soul. We congratulate our contemporary in the manliness of its ehallenge to 01eson tp substitute proof | for ineundo; an invitation whieh the holy dominie is in honor bound to accept. We shall see.