Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 167, 8 April 1891 — Official Tyranny. [ARTICLE]

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Official Tyranny.

Tho Constitutkm' under whieh our L\ws are supposed to be niade declares that no person shall be arrft?ted \vithout due process of land. Ho ,v ean the theory of the i"onst r tution be reconci!ed with the practise in vogue every day all over the islands of oAieiale arresting persons on the plea that eome irres}H)nsible person tcld the £heriif or some one under him tk;»t so and so \vas a leper. This is i)o\v the protection of the l'oiistitutioii works for the Nativc. I nfonuation is given to thc.loea-l d(-pnty-Bhcrifi' by some p -i\i >:i, may bo—often is an enenjy <it' any man or woinan, to the < tlV'('t tiiat the ners(»n indicated is a icper. The ofiicml then \vith- (.•:! ar;y \varning proes or sends a <]<:•],'Ut v to cscurt the indicated p v 10 the (:i.(A'er.n.ment Physi(ūn wl,cic t]u-y nndergo an exa]!')i!i:ition. whieh to a modest girl or woinan is :m aba>ement and l, 1 ;}u:]i;ition ; nnel *hould never be p! ri* ,n;ic(! .withor«t a fcmalo rciil ion fri(;.n(j prcscnt. In fu'ir es out. a fivc thc loeal phys]<Man <1 >:-s not hesitate to <k(■];'r«- thc p:irties so brought be- J forc hho frec from any taint of •tny (!i L e«so. The persons so exai:iined arc glad to be allowed to i return to thcir homcs and ask no < A uestion, but none the less it is a | crymg oū trage that some illdisposed person has been enabled to /ndulge malevolent propensity, *.vithout :»ny fear of legal eonsequences.