Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 166, 7 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That Prince Rienzi Orioff h*a six detectives in his employ. That General Ashford ts still the hero of foreign commentators» That owing to the honest vigilanee of Port Surveyor Tripp, opiuni has advanced to $200,000 a t®n. That in consequenoe of the rise in the price ef opium, induigences are aliowed the saints for smuggling not over one t®n of the articie to eaeh pers»n } on condition that the increase sfeall be tithed for the church. That the Hawaiian Court is getting more it has scan\Jle and scandle-mongers. That the naaids of honor and the honors of maids have received a coat of coal-tar lately. That morality is in high life regu}ated by the code of Gatherine of Russia. So say our San Francisco correspondents. That changes, physiologicai, soeial and politicai will take plaee with the change of the moon. That the native Press has been muzzled by the old rellgio-hypocri-tico-policico-reforrgiio party, except the Ka Leo, whieh stands in the interest of ail. That the Bulletin treated th& Wodehoase wedding as an insigni ► ficant aflFair, but revelled in elegant description over the Lishman ding. How ikikle is popularity m society.