Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 166, 7 ʻApelila 1891 — Repeating Slanders. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Repeating Slanders.

A fe\v c!ays ygo the P. G. Advertiser took the Elele to taek for r€producing in its col«mns an article from a New York pāper whieh it was admitted on all hands was an ontrageous slander on ihe Kingdom. We n;ight now t"rn the Advertiser's question on itself :;n relation to the S. F. Chroniele articles quoted by Mr. Lionel Btagge, and ask; t- why giye these unsavory productions a now lease of lif<s ?" We are bound to believe Mr. Stagge's disclaimer ās to his being the author of the ©bjectionable letter frbrn here,: wliieh appeared in the Chroniele of March 18. Nor ean we for a moment believe that it was written by, or through the agency 1 of aiiy of the editorial staff of any loeal newspaper. There is a sug;picion thet the traducer correspondent of the Chronicle is not recent arrival by any means, but is a well known "sorehead" who could neitlier lend nor drive his jiartv, arid his fulsome lauj i * dat on <>f the 4, high aneeein^ 1 ' of his new found 'pntron. and ass(irtion that Ihe hope of continued peaee 1 ies in the fact that u the native party has split into two host 1 ? cami)s ? ' alone sufiicient to imiic tte the writer. Lio:u'l Miagge i? entitled

to the credict of hi& own r< podiation as the writer, andhe'isnot b«und togo outside of'that an£ sny that he has not rubbed elbows daily with the actual writer. The priaie mover in if not " the origmntor of the sfcill-born l,Liberal party" whieh couJd not muster forty electors at its attempted inauguration last week, and who in conjuntion with the man of tl high ancestry" is vainly trying to divide the National Rpforin Party, is too plain!y f3gnred oiu as the Ohioniele false propltet who declared "that the n;;tive party has split."