Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 165, 6 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the appropriatioii for Dredging the harbor is n©arly exhaa?ted; and that this is due ta th? heavy draught in the Akamai'fc. llue. That a new Superintendent of government works is in view in the pt,3on ofone of®ur gallant Oolonele on the Staff. Tl at Judge J. G. Hoapili is eligihle for Sheriff efH'iwaii, in of the boodler naw in oHioe. That there appears to be a charm or fascination about the nann) Hopkins, as every one is bcing nischarged fro» the Poliee Force to make up for the retentiou of E. H,. the E *vptian socerer, wlio turned opium into poi. That there has been a tempest in the royal arena lately; on ae-

c«unt of some </f the piccadillos | f*n»ong tlie pets, . Tuat Bobby thinks thai if Mae ;is ruperc©ded« have t% iperscmate Atlas in v the Fublie Works Departmejit. That the Stagge is after the Butletin man, is very evident from his onslaught ©n the latter in c6lumns in the P. C. A. That Harry Ungpr has been hungering after the forbiddei» fruit, having strayed into orchard. ' That the Duke of Waikapu has t)een appointed Copying Clerk in the Foreign Offiee, by proxy. Go it, Pilly, vile you is youne;; by-ard by, you was mit ole you can't. i That Miss Camille Muori, wiil astoaish the Maoris—this evenii*£. That the distriet judge of flamakua, in the Paeaina, rises to explaln his inexplicable v conduct in refus?ng to issue a w:irranfc to arrest the murderers of the Hawaiian, named Kalaniwahine. That the body of the murdered Kalaniwahme of Hamakua, was exhumed and a new co.roner's, verdict made up after the legitimate coroner's jury had held an inquest over the dead body at the time of death and pronōunced their opinion that the man diēd from wounds inflicted by some person unknawn. That a case will be brought hefore the Ceurts to test the responsibility of : those - who arrest on suspicion * of being lepers, and placing them in a pen where they may be inoculated. That of five members eomposing the Board who voted for the appomtment of the new nominee for Becretary; the vote were under-

etood tō 'and thus: £ sīdent I on s and RoftS* Eaiaa'l Parker at john £na. Agsinsi-r* Hons. »T. O* Carter aod John T. VVaterhouge. jr. *

He lono kai hai ia mai ia makou e 3awe ia aka ana ka kekuhi Hiau kaa Kikane me na iio oka Hai o Hikikoki opio m? no Hilo Ua hoolale ae Paele me kekahi ili keokeo i na ai a ka ui ma ka auina la Ppaono nei mawaho iho o ka hale kuai i*lauu Uni(»n Feed Co.