Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 165, 6 April 1891 — Come along Oban. [ARTICLE]

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Come along Oban.

Tho 8. F. Examiner of March 12 is aiithority. for tne statement tbat ai Turkish gentleman nam<?d s Gaidjikhow is 6n i his wav faere with eoin to"start a sugar refinery, and his four wives accompany him. We rejoice to! hear of any new enterprise being started, especiailv Uie refinery, ; aJthoiigh we fear Oban_ will discover :n San FranciKco that our treaty is verv. unfavorable *to tlie entr.y thcre of refined sugar, but there is 110 earthly reason why he shouk{ r.ot find a niarket where the duly 011 refined sugar isr light as in New Zeala«d,' Canada or even Australia. We hear that Oban brmgs his harem along. A good Musselman regards a plurality of wives as assential to his peaee antT comfort. n«t that the follower of the ,Prophet is alone in this idea, but tbe pious Mahomedan I fences them all in one lot, where he thinks he ean keep an eye on them; wbereas the apparently pious !christian too often is married to one and keeps the- balance separated. Oban's matrimonial institution is certain to excite curiosity and we shnll be anxious to know how it feeis to have to nlutch at space with four women around you. But the fear .is that Oban will put up a 60 foot-high fence ardund his lot. without even a knol-whole in the whole structure. We hope a committee of our expeiienced wealthy polygamists will organize themselves as a recepti on eom mittee tp do the hon ors on Oban's arrival, and as quite a number of them are pr®minent sugai and finaoce men they could repre3ent the Refinery and Harem institution iu one. Modesty alone restrain us form naning the eommiUea and giving an outline ot the reception festivities.