Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 164, 3 April 1891 — Buying up the Press. [ARTICLE]

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Buying up the Press.

There is a movement on foot by the men at- the back of the Gazette Office to obtain ths ownership of the native newspapers. It looks as if the idea was to centraliz#'the power of the Press into a trust whieh will

tt:ano£aeier€ fde£is ■ -fop. ; ' v As fur ag «cb6itig the Ben&m<mi4 §& [ the planters trast; tba Kōokoa, to* ' .V of the purcbaged papers did that Ihe sale. As the n&f£?e ieKgious organ of the Con gr egational ChurcH, it wonJd never tnlerafe m native preacher tnking part in any po!iticai movement that was not clearly for the benefit of the moneyed of thc 'men . purses and support coritrol fte Amer;can Mission. l?ut. it appearB rb if the tiew trust jnonop!>Jīfits Sf?e ihe advantage of b»'ing ahle to sprir>klcā Httle k-now-lfdpeof the blessings of an Asiatic populnlion. and the.-Divim» instituti(»n of konohiki fishing rights, and a m<»re p]anter-like .expogition of '* Servnnts be subjectß to your mastors," an<i get a scribe whe ean ' jue i ei oi:s]y b) en d thena with the ficr'pturc f?unday Scbool lesson. As to the other nntive i>aper, the Paeaina, it h«s heen the Pianō of the rnonoDolists who"chanced to put iip f-ir it. N"OTC,.hWever;-it is solid for iveu'rm as ropresonted by a cast iion gu7id:of monot>olistSi-whose sole aim and effi>rt and interest will be in one direction—self, We soe iu this njoveinent a deepseatt»d danger, whieh should arouse working nien to view th» coming situation and resolve to be better orga riized and select some different men to lrepresent them. What sympathy ean men, who fatteu on slave laborand konohiki rightsand Crown land mononoly leases, have with the masses who arc engaged in industry? There is a siient, but sullen. *to snuff the working class. both native and foreign, out of fair renresentation. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.