Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 164, 3 April 1891 — The Hilo Record. [ARTICLE]

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The Hilo Record.

The above fcheet published by, anel in the mterests of ihe legal family compact of Hilo; says, of our 3 atēst cominentB on the nonarresit of the murclerers of the Hawaiian recentlv !nurclere(l at Hamakua. that our staternents are "outrageously f}ilse. > ' We repeat that we are well informed as to the factf?, and are just s® little liablo to be misled by a onesided statement; «8 the head of the Heeonl family is to feel himselt unahle to get on the trai! of the Ilamakua homicidf». As to the treatnient, we published, oi' the murderer" in Hilo jail, and on his way to it; all we stated ean be nroved on oath by relifible persoriß. Tie Heeonl ean rēst aBsured that the last is not h<>ard or said about two raatters. We are willing to see if a litcle uaore time will unaple t.he proper officials to do their duty.