Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 164, 3 April 1891 — THAT MURDER CASE. [ARTICLE]

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Some two months or more ago, an outrageous murder was comfitted on a poor Hawaiian in the District of Hamakua. The circumstance of the murder was published and was well-know to the community. A coroner's jury was empannelled, who rendered a virdict that the man's death was due to wounds inflicted upon him by some person or persons to them unknown. The crime was committed in open daylight, and it is said openly was began by an attack upon the native by one of the Hornerds living in Hamakua, and assisted by a negro friend who came at the call of the former to help on the murderous work. We understand, that owing to the willful and criminal negligence of the Sheriff of Hawaii, that affidavits have been placed before the Attorney General, who appears to be as much interested in investigating this class of crime against Hawaiians, as the deputised officials under his department are, who are living on the island of Hawaii, and in the immediate vicinity of the place where it occurred. Owing to this negligence and apparent disinclination of the part of the authorities to bring the culprits to justice, the Hawaiians are getting up a subscription to fee a lawyer and bring a prosecution on their own account in this matter. The contempt with which the Hawaiiand rights are being treated is learning them a lesson, which will no doubt have a salutary effect in giving them a just appreciation of the justice they may expect from oflicials who are clothed with the garb of the honest pharisee.