Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 163, 2 April 1891 — The Board of Health. [ARTICLE]

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The Board of Health.

The reinstalmfnt of Dr. L«tz afc Kalihi will gi' e general -faction to the entire community, especially to that poHion of it wh@ ai'e either affiicted theinselves. or have friends under treatment for leprosy. The fact that nearly a whole year has elapsed sitvce the Legielature appointed a committee of its mēmbers to report on the state of affairs in connection with the complaint of Sister Rose Gertrude, and that the report of that eommittee was adopted by the Legis-* lature, and that the wiil of the L«* gislature has been _ set aside up to the present time. does not inspire the puhlie with mueh confidence in the Minister, who alone is charged with the duty of steering an executive course laid down in tlie legislative chart. We are willing however to let by-gone omis&ions and derelictions of duty be atoned for, by further evidences ■©f repentence . in the dirpotion of further carrying out the will of the Lcgislature as unmiptakMbly laid dovvn itvthe letter and Hpirit of report, whieli deinaud3 the removal of certain olTicials connceted with the ]>oard of Health. On page 41 of ihe comrnittees' rcjK)rt we find these words, foilowing a page and a half of reasons therefor: ■. ■ ■ " Therefore your comrnittee are of opinion that Mr. Reynolds is not a suitable person to be agent of the Board of Health, and it is necessary that he be removed from that position, and that the Board be requested t® remove him." We hear that Mr. J. 0. Cn-ter has intimated his intention of resigning, whieh if true we give him credit for as the most graceful act of his administratMln; as there eail be 1 ■ • • litt!e doubt that he has run the whole maehine to p!ease his own fancy all along, and shown a magni6cent contempt for the d<?cision of the Legislature. More anon.