Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 163, 2 April 1891 — ANon Representative Administration! [ARTICLE]
ANon Representative Administration!
lt is several times we bav« heard thc expressions credited to the Queen's Cabinet, that they represented and belonged to 110 party. We bave hesitated to believe that s'.:oh downright idiocv ea:i emanate t'roin a body of four al>le bodied nipo of all ages, ranging from the )>eriod between nonage and dotage. \\"hatever may bethe truth in this :riatter, the vacillation and downright stupidity whieh th<; present im*umbents occasionallv dispiay, or j»(>rniit to be displaved for them, as Most (rracious Majestv's rcsponil>ie advisers, ineline us to give <Tf <lence to what we hear asserted :'.s their opinion. We are further d:spo.-ed to believe that the Ministry have >ald that t}if*y rcproscnted an l i>elotiged to no par<y. from the well known fiot that tliey are withv)Ut either principlo or policy, unless it is the prir>eiple an<l policy of Know-nothings. Ir is to V>e regretted that ttie name spirit <»f selfishness and vacillation, whieh marked the closing years of his late Majesty's reign should be the same in ushering in the dawn of a ruie that we fondly w T ould be otherwise We see, however, from its very ine§ptio n nothi ug only mistake and biiīnders, until even the studied stoicisai and indifference cf royalty is known to lose control and give way to petulence and to femer»ine weaknesses/ We are all the more sorrv that this should be so, because we have every reason to think that Her Majesty means well, but she unfortunately is a woinah and in a po«itipn: never \vas ordained from thc creation for other than a nian, or oae of a masculine nature. Her misfortune has been, and wiil remain until it is remedi«d, that she has allowed her femenine instincts , -r*cprid£—to mislead her to choose those whose kindred natures would permit her to lead, instead of allewing duty to prompt her toelect men as her responsible advisers. We are inciined to think thather Majesty must feel that she has inadvertently made a mistake in tbe first cabinet selection she has made, as undoubtedly she must be aware ere thi6, that her ministers knpw no- I thing, represent no body,—in fact that they have lost all their genses. j This is rather a lamentable eon-i dition for ruler and ruled to be I placed in. This state is a reproach | to the entire Nation, and reflects! no halo around that coroneted brow \ nor does it reflect any lustre on the i escuteheons of the effeminate quartette that is endeavoring to disjointedly run our little leviathan of state without a principle to stand on or a policy to steer by. W r ell they may be looked upon as know nothings, until the future rectifies their present unoatural condition. Here in Hawaii we hav« somethiQg unique in the hieiory the world to wit: tbe establishment of a slave-market as a department of the Government, and the gradoal growth of elavery by a serieB of judicial decißions abridging personal liberty and relieving masters fro» i re#pon«ibility, I