Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 162, 1 April 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That the Board of IleaŪli is receiving an infusion \of new blood> and it is to be hoped, «>f a niore cliaritable natnre ihan the iiioneyioving Chrifttiu,n ■ (?) menibers chat still hang on as part oftho Board. % Thāt where there is 'no love to recompense gratuitous service, there must be some solid reward to be made out of the position. That. the reaso?i our people of commercial instmcts cannot be clubbed out of the Board of līealth, is becauBS there is a large appropriation "tc be soent at the discfcction of the Board.
► . That we* nut the euilōml . but the gov'3rjnentar we. and the Queen. have a l«i cf intentions, but owing to a weakness in the vei»tebrsB v the goodi intentions passes 6ff ia vapid porings. I
That Col- Claus B6ēnis to havc intended l visiting his oolonial posseesions in the Paradise of tiJ# Pacific. He was booked to Jeav<fur Honolnlu, \vith his family. hv the A«strttli(i. It is possil)le that he hus r:>ad our articles on popular F,ovf»rnme!>t. and proposēd to be on hand t>> shape the *h*ctiouß in aceeiMlaneo u ith that idea.
That tho3e u nether garmc*nts* r ' nr« ilr»ttering now across - thn wav. (ine i>o donbt to the Ka Leo's soiicitude for the royal repntation of I i awaii,
Th»it ou r Jobnstonian frk'u<( of thc liuiietin nas changcd his notc oii.. mi&3ionary" hymn's, since he loft thc.E!e]e, from G hard lo G f3at. -Who £ives - bim thn !;ey neknow ? That the kanaka ■.fihoott , r.- soorus to be nailod to his oiliee. probably through t'ne friendship of the scrii>t holder Pmnon. Pythias looks on coaiplaeently,and wellhe Qiay when backed by a Bishop.
That a suit is pending against the Queen Dowager, for having renioved ail the supposed govcrnment Paiaee f#rmture, and fhat in c©nsequence Her Most Graciou.< Majeptyis floored.