Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 162, 1 ʻApelila 1891 — What Became of Them? [ARTICLE]
What Became of Them?
Fgf S€veral rnanilt3 iast yoar a nuniber of .-New llebiedeB men and women, thf: nu;jority of whom were the auijpi-es of the Ilawaiian (jovernmeiit—fronrj their islands, \vere knocking about Hon olu īu in the vai« hope of b"ing returned to their honies. About eighty of the i»en were cajoled on board the whale6hips lying off port laet tpring, but so far in noinstance have any been aecounted for as returned here, or anywhere else. Even of the Hawaiiana thus far cf those who shipped here, nane have b«en aeeounted for, although their gevernment is supposed to leok out fbr : and especially sheuld they do 80 under such circum- #
As tho New Hebridfts v aft«r havi|ig been permitto(i to feast their longing ejes on Christian civilization, and to aleep beneath a viae or fig-tree, or a roadside fence where they could fiad one, and to feast on any mouldy crusi wh«n they could get it: they were prob«bly very glad ta aeeepl a passago to any latitud« betwPen sheol and the North Pole. None the less is it the duty of the Nation to satisfy itself, that these help]«BS unfortunate victims of greecl and diaboiical dishonestT, who becan>e tho uncon6cious, if not the i woluntary, wards of tho Nation, should be ftccounted for by thc whaleBhijps who a*e here on probnbly the «ume uii&Bjion as th*y
wer; laf>t yrar,—to l4bor and ui:itt*rial for oheap wLislcev.
As for the Hawaiians, whea they retorn to San Francisco after a vayage' to the Arctic, tbey are offL*red a dollar as their pav. An appeal to the Hawaiian Consur does not help them in having their wrongs adjusted. These are the reports we have, whieh are perhaps partly due the "want ofa Consui who ean understand Hawaiians in their own iar;guago. We have an elaborate a nd. c« >st ly īmmigration Bureau, bnt it Heenii to be in existence for tlu; j»isr:»os** of doing all f<ir the i; niasttr, n nnd but precious little f«r th'j unfortunate waif, who is or hu* 1 »rreii m used-up chattle. The nuru'ncr <if arrivals from the Boush-se;i Jsdands ean be readily ascertaincd aiul the department will have to gi\v n:i account of their disposul whou ihe Legislnture meets.