Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 162, 1 April 1891 — "While the Lamp holds Out." [ARTICLE]
"While the Lamp holds Out."
"The latest Hawaiia n Patriot" from Texas, who ladles out personalities and small beer at so mueh a yard for the Bulletm. haß evidently woke up to the fact that his craniuin is a dynamo chnrged w ith the right stuff to bring about a fusion and a general embrace of our i- eatiand-dogJlcontemporaries." The patriot editor from Texas is a real huinorist in the roll of pitying and rebuking TBE EXCESSES OF u from the political influr.nce of Bec.tarieB a« ehown in the last elee* tion." Can th.is new preacher of morals be the samc iudividual, who so extravagantlv spread siiperfiuo*.is venom over the }>ages of the Ekle about a year ago? ' As to the conipli:nent of being a[Hawaiiiin'patriot from Australia I may inform Mr. Chameieon-de-la-l>ulletin, that the pamgra})h to whīeh he .reft.rs, was not written l>v
me; jior had i ;my kuowledg'.i of it or aiiy otl>er portiim—Kawiiiian or Knglisli of the contonts of Ka Leo, ?vlareh 20, in whieh it appears. uniil I received the paper printedon the (3ay of iss'Jft. I mav a!so state I M'ver penned the word ini?sionary as a term of contempt. The oid picture of THE DEVIL lIEEUKINO SIN is dighed up with ne\r trimnr)infrs. when we see our repentent brother flailing the <k missionaries' enemies in general " and the kt ßush faction" iii particular. liaving'found out the risht Kide of the (monetary j fe;nce, I wish him luek and liope he will gtny there The pne perplexing circunistanee īb t that he is Jiabie at anv mament to bob up on the other side. Yours, Tmr Australian.