Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 162, 1 April 1891 — They were perhaps glad te be Rid of Him! [ARTICLE]
They were perhaps glad te be Rid of Him!
'/In" Miss Kose <Tertrutie's article to the Ladies' Home .loumal. republished in the Pae. Com. Advertiser, w€ are pleased to see the doings of the €hristiar. Reform Board of Health, ehown up to the world, and quote a short paragraph to show how mueh chantY ean possibly exist m members of the Board wheu such mdifference and unnatural dispos:tion is shown towards a brother as is here stated in the following paragraph: " We; in the liospitai, wept for him rernemberj »g him with pity aad regret, and felt that he might have been prevented from hurrying his soul so rashly into the unknown. And yet tlie brother of that dead man was a member of the Board of Health who allowed the doctor to be maligned by the Luna with impunity, and suffered the doctor to leave the hospital, when. his treatment was becoming more and more successful, rather than depnve the Luna of his office."
Instead of having men of the most humane and charitable natures for the care wf the unf»rtunate Hawaiian, we have had to chronicle the fact that all the memberß heretofore, were foreigners, whose I«ve of lucre has driven from their natures the little humanity they ever possessed. We say it is an outrage, that no pure Hawaiian has been placed <>n the Board to have some voice in the wholesale and indiscriminate dilposal «f the people who are sant here as suspects; if they only have a pimple or a crdoked fingef v tbey fiud themselves at the mercy ®f s«ch fiends *s the Board employ aa their agents, at the same tirae disavowing ali responsibility in the matter.
The brother f called in tke Lady'» letter, "Api" is Alfred Carter, a brother ©f Joseph 0. Carter, a memder of that Board, whieh was instrumental in {| hurrying his (brotb#r's) eoul su rashly into the unknown." This same gentleman was understood by the Legislative Committee, to be the ' k DDalignrr ,J alluded to in this paragraph, aitd w ho »eemed take a de-
light to drive away those who are of anv help at ali tu thc ,'iiek out of spite against the native race.