Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 162, 1 April 1891 — To be Devont! Avoided. [ARTICLE]

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To be Devont! Avoided.

It is devoutiv to hoped that eome scientist of our time will set hii»self to tbc task of discovering th«s 6aaW?«rōTth(fchronic-liar;~ and that he may be legally subjected U) some species of inoculation whieh will reduce the virulence, or at lea«t modify the grosser aspects of his malady. Of all eontemptable professors of lying the newspaper leader writer of the would-be devout type, heads the elass. He invariablv hoiils a ferief for a syn4icate or a trust, whoae one aini in life is monopoly. For argumnnt he subBtitutes a repetition of the inouldy falsebood whieh his opponent has knocked into pie. \V T e last week stated a few plam facts—not a tithe either in number or force of what we could state—on «*. »ntract labor. We noticed the subject, as we were awarc that one phase of it, that of tbc naturc of the contracts, had been occnp\yiig the attention of fhe Sii.}>"cnic ('onrt aiul producod a <;oiiiliot of opinion on the Heneh; although when our tirst artiele— whieh the P. C. Adverti«er branded as u (lisfionest"—was written, ,we had not seen- any of the deliverenccs of the Judges on tlie matter, we simply wrote from our own experience of what is cornmonly known in relation to the supject. We proposed to the P. C. Advertiser to make a beginhing in the way of meeting their charge of 'MiEhoneai" statement bv offering to print fōr their benefit, the names of ihe parties who were pecuniarilv interested in imD©rting South Sea laborers, also to print the numbers whieh were imported and returned to their hpmes. That was a plain buBLness-like offer whieh our cotemporary should have jumped at, but instead of accepting it we have the following in the Advertiser of last Friday:

"Anotlier bi-lingual flatly asserts that ail the poliee justices ; sheriffs, and deputy sheriffsoutside ofHonoliilu are in a criminal c<inspiracy against the rights of laborers, and are īn leagiie with employers as against tbose employed, Pejrhaps eome of the gentlemen thus aspersed may think it worth while to defend themselves. Then some more o$ the stuff about hundreds of slaves smarting from daylight to dark under the lash of the overseer, and some m#re about vsanctimonious' persons whoee qualification for the title seems to be that they gp to church on Sunday inBtead of Saturday, make the sheet referred to one to be devoutly a\oided."

A referenee to our articles will Bhew that we made no such charge against'"the Poliee Justices and I)eputy SherifFs, ,, and if any of the said officials u think it worth while" to take up the cudgels-— against oUr own statements, we ehall be happy to meet them. The sneer about our Saturday "ehumh" is so mueh extraneous twaddle. We are content to have as prototypes for our practice in this our conscientious observance, ChriBt and his Apostles, and the early yea.r3 of the church down to the peri#d when ConBtsntioe, m copjunction with, possiWy ihe progenitor of the editor af >dvt*rtiser introduced chattle-plavery and other heathen proprietary ritee, into Chriet€udom.

We ai\j indifibrent to the wngpling of the oiikial orga:i ef "eontract labor," ivnd ean but feel amiTBed when it calls on employers «nil—olliciais {, to r defeud themselves," Thns it is that the onee powerful battering - ram of the ohattle-slavery trußt throws up the sponge; u gentlemen clients. defend yourselv< s, the last shot has been fired at that-'bi-linguaF sheet, and we have not an argument 3eft."

| Our readers will specially reraark how all our taunts will not provoke the Advertiser to dare us to publish the name of the missionarv pianting firm in this city, whieh was intorested in importing South Sea Islanders, and retailing them in lots to suit. The nature of the traffic as reiāted on oath, the evidence of whieh, is on file in the Supr«me Court, and the further evidence that ean be brought would inake an"interesting paper to read bcfore the A. B. C. Missiftns. On tlie whule it is a in the words of;;onr ('onteniporary, kk tr> b(J de* vout]y avoidcd ! "