Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 161, 31 March 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the Marshal is in harmony with the movements of royaltyv Ttaat u we, s ' in future political i talk, myself and the Queen, who will inake the tour of the is lands in June. That a game of Pedro was interrupted in order to be ereated above all my other subjectB. That the opium cove ' was not visited by royalty, as wag announced by the organ of the ovvners of the Gove and the Volcano (Houee). i That for long and faithful serviccs. John Owen Doniinis. has been created a Royal Highness and placed above all iriy othcr subjects —poor subjects. I ; - ; : ■ That all the Chief Clerks have been l\onored, except Henry »Smith, presumably because he is of the same nationality as the Queen. This i8 merit versus favoritism. —— : -. That Her MostGracious M»jesty was nirrongfully accused of being a haole hater and partial to her eonntrym;sin, but on the coritrary the facts are vice versa. — . . .. Thfit when Marehai Wilson sticks I up for what is nght, witwout fear i oir favor, the Ka Leo willaiways ! support him, notwithstanding that! he is a haole. Tkat obstracti<m to the policy of the party in power, on the part of subordinate officials, is held elsewher j as sufficient cause for immediate rern»val. That we hear they are three repuhliean syndicateB at remmds us of the grovth of lantana, pleaBant for eye, and dec«ptive to the touch, »ud iupcssible to weed »ut. ! Tbat a pension should be made /

for the Sheriffof Maui for long and ' faithful services, as the perviee rftquires a young€r and moro « nergetic man. The new regimc reueeds young Hercules' to make elean the Augean Stables. ,That'it is well-known that the countrv will: e eive a new Prince, who was feorn of honest Scotch parents, but as his sen r ices hns i I npither been ae faithful, nor as long i jto Her Majesty, as the late creation, j j he will simply be dubbcd a I changf j s are im- ! perativo in the Poliee Department j on Maui aud Hawaii, and ■thftt we»- | hope that the Chief of the l)cpart- I ment will not be dauntod from tho diseharge of his duties, through | favoritism or familv inftucnce." j ' A> - ':r\: ; ; .:; : ; V""v." | That for long and faithful servi|ces: Messrs. Pineha«a Wood and 11. Kuihelani, were not created Princes,- but were fired out of the Privy Council, to make room for Her Most Gracious Majesty's nersonal friends. This is to make a greater distinction betweon merits I and demerits in late distinctions; j I That all the appointments, so far made by Her Most Gracious Majesty*Queen Liliuokalani Kamakaeha, have been all foreigners to wit. For the Privy Council : J. 0. Carter, .1. S'.Pratt, W. H. Cornwelli C.' Wilson, and R. F. Bickerton. Hon- : ored with medals : W. H. Whiting, Charles S{>encer, Frank Hastings, Charles Crēighioji, Jas. Srm'th, and bv a mistake Samuel Parker.

" oiikou km ka i keia kakahiaku, oiai fee mdb--.':*| lelo hou K& oiakeu o ks» kakahiai' ' j ka, e nana ae tna ka,iw)ao ekahi - okoa .no a e aa 0 ka elua keia o ko olua nsabuka ana, e ao olua, hana b«u aku, ku a hele loa ilaila,' aohe nana no kauhale. Malama, inai hookuli oeha. ■■■ ■ ' ;■■■ ■:>■. ■.:. '