Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 159, 27 March 1891 — ABOUT REACTIONARIES. [ARTICLE]
if ßeactionary" is, asit was dniing the last election campaign, a fa\orite nieknaine with the Advertiser party for all who were opposed to that party. We do not accuse the prochattel-slavery Bcribes oi having coined the word, qaite the contrary. *~lt no doubt comes down to us with quite a standing among the pale, miserable calumnies with whieh all men are assailed to whom the mission of contending for what is true and riglit is a living inspiration and a force. We ean imagine with whieh Lord North and his rovnl mastor denounced the ureactionāry" AV r ashington, and put a price on his iiead*" Lineoln was reactionary to certain members of even his own party, as witii grave foreboding tliev listenedt o him ur.ge the īmmediate ernancipation ofmillions of f>laven. The English Chartist of ISwas %eactionary' when he was ohased bv mounted dragoons and transported to Australia, wliere his rea:'tianary i>rinoii)los have boen transplanted and have spread and are to d-iy the midisputed ruling principles of a iaighty eon••'tinent, whieh is. destined to be another "free heart's hope and ]joni<'" for inillions yetunborn. | There will probably be always tome one left in the world who | will object to the gilded ioafer, nless that omamental pieee of inechanism will extinguish him self by tnrning worker, The gilded loafer whether in the guis« of a land-boomer or a syndicate tries j t.o tyrannize over the rest of man kind and tbey in turn try tO op- ] }>ross the loafer; this aecaunts for the actionary and the reactionary whieh the hired scribes of the loafer hurl at his enemies. Man l:ind is always on the lookout for a ehaaee to opress somebody and 8o long as there is any human nature left in humanity this aggre.ssive habit will not die out. Therefore man has to decide between two alternatives—eitder j the worker upon whom the world depends for irs prosperity. is to be at liberty to opnress the idler, who i« useless as well as offensive, or else the idler must continue to oppress the worker as here to fore. In other words, it is a question whether, out of every thousand liuman beings. there is to be one jnonopolist and 999 slaves, or wnether 999 men are share the monopoly and leave the odd surrivor the aUernative of either becoming ā worker like the rest, or an outcast. It has to be decided whether man was made for the land!ord and the capitalist. or not, and if he was then it seems almost a pity that anyone ever took the trouble to make him at ali. * If we are to characteriee a!l that is vile and humanly retrogreieive by the word *reactk«»ry/ /we propose to the Advertiser to swap it with us'for the word ,: infernal" as inore proper for their use in writing of the horse-curu-harness inbtitntion of u contract labor." The reactionary salt has lost its savor.