Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 158, 26 March 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That 'an appropriate device for ihe alter of the new foreign church would bv the reverse side of the Almighty Dollar with the legend. tl ln God we trust—9oo grains| fine." That the man who sits... ,iu ; his 2 ushioned pew and carelessly casts i nto the- contribution box the daily earning of a hundied wretches toiling from īight to dark under the overseer's lash, fondly iniagines that he is—Jying up tr«as?ure in Heaven. ■ > - That Mmister Spencer ifi making U nohle effort to preserve in oflice the poor relations of the famiiy oompact who wonld be unable to | earn their living without govern- I ment aid. It k a sad thing to see | t hese finehaired and delicate crea-1 tured at the mercy of the unsym-1 pathetic "world. "'i" Tbat it requires more than a j few k ßy Authority' advertisements | to ailenee the Voice of the Nalion. The motto of the Supreme Court--1b: l 'Let right prevail though the Heavens fall;" but at present when the earth is a little shaky the majority of the Court are not. taking any chances on the Heave n, Cumiicet Justitia laetebit diabo}ufs,—when he gets his own. That an anxious people reassured to learn that the liula will eontinue to receive the sanction of our Gracious It is a satisfaction to know that this remarkable institution is to survive, and Hawaiian girls will eonlinue to wriggle -t-heir hind quarters for the edilication of strangers and the glory of the Nation. Tiie Hawāiian danseuse ean j,ever attain the graceful abandon of manners arid clothes displayed in the ballet of the foreigners. llecentiy liice's Evangeline Company gave an entertainment at the Opeia House. Of course the cream of Honolulu society was present. We saw a bright red blusti 011 thefaces ef several citizens wLo have gazed unmoved on the nula. These Darwiuian scientiBts might learn somethiiig by studying Hawaiian Governnient if it gets to going accordir»g to tfie great pnueiplea of sexuai selection. We wonder if the recently eaptured opiua» wili suffer a sea change iuto soinwthing »ew and strange. Our marshai will probabiy discover where and how the drug is imported. It is better not to attempt to prosecute ine parties {ts itvmigDt precipitate a revolution. The respectable elass of foreigners •would not stand it. L, A. Thurston and some of the jnost emenentiy respectaDle people oi the cominunity have formed a company to control the voicano. They might save the country by taking up their abode there. We hope the Ministry knowa its friends from its enemiea; fur iiow eouiee th® bland and sweet missionary' wit£ inlluenee. a fond parent |rUh sugar in oue hand and & laahin ttie other.